From The North Brooklyn Community Group: Born to Giglio!

Giglio A lass named Stephanie Trudeau writes:

I have an upcoming event of neighborhood interest:

I am giving a presentation on Williamsburg’s Giglio Festival (one aspect of my Fulbright research) at the Brooklyn Historical Society on Thusday, March 29 at 7:00 pm. The presentation will be enlivened with a musical performance by Danny Vecchiano, leader of the Vecchiano Festival Band, who will play Giglio songs and talk about his life-long involvement with the Giglio Festival. Come learn about a week-long celebration with music, food and pageantry that happens in a Brooklyn neighborhood. Beautiful photos and wonderful music – should be a fun night.

Immediate Release:

Born to Giglio
Thursday, March 29 7:00 pm
Brooklyn Historical Society
128 Pierrepont Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201


This event is part of BHS’s spring series, Inventing Brooklyn, which examines key people who have influenced Brooklyn and highlights cultural trends rooted in Brooklyn’s rich and diverse history. Tickets $10/$8 BHS members.

This sounds like a very enjoyable way to while away an evening— and learn more about our community’s history to boot! Check it out!


One Comment on From The North Brooklyn Community Group: Born to Giglio!

  1. Thursday Blogwrap – on Fri, 23rd Mar 2012 3:10 am
  2. […] Hill Association] Photos: Keith Haring’s Early Years Now At The Brooklyn Museum [Gothamist] From The North Brooklyn Community Group: Born to Giglio! [New York Shitty] Some Complainer Still Can’t Stand Carroll Gardens Coffee Roaster […]

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