Amazing. Simply Amazing.

August 29, 2008 by
Filed under: Crazy Cat Lady, Williamsburg 

That’s all I can say about the work they are doing at Empty Cages Collective. After reading this wonderful piece by mihow I swung by to administer a little “hands on” kitten therapy this week. It was then that I met Lucy.

She might look an ordinary (and cute) kitten but I assure you she is not. Lisacat writes:

Lucy is a kitten caught in Brooklyn during a trap-neuter-return project by Empty Cages Collective volunteers. She had a deep abscess on her jaw and needed emergency veterinary care to close the wound. The vet is concerned that there is not enough tissue for her to heal properly, so we have to get her to a dental specialist for evaluation. She is still fearful and a little hissy, but is eating well and starting to enjoy being handled a bit.

I have said it before and I’ll say it again: the best way to judge a society is how they treat those who are the least able to defend themselves. The fact Lucy is still alive is a testament to her tenacity; she wants to live. The great pains Empty Cages Collective has taken to get Lucy the medical treatment she so desperately needs is a telling example of how dedicated they are to caring for those who cannot speak for themselves. Those (who like Lucy) suffer in silence.

I would strongly advise any of you with a little money or time to spare to make a donation to Empty Cages Collective or better yet— volunteer!

Who knows, you might make a new friend. Or two!

Miss Heather


5 Comments on Amazing. Simply Amazing.

  1. zern409 on Fri, 29th Aug 2008 1:07 pm
  2. Miss Heather,
    I am really hoping you can help me. I have worked in Greenpoint Williamsburg for years now and last year moved to Greenpoint to be closer to my job and because I vastly prefer this neighborhood to the utterly boring area of Queens I used to live. However, one thing I really I really regret is leaving my absolutely wonderful vet. She was wonderful with my cats, especially with my elderly calico, and I never felt like she was just trying to get money out of me- which is good because I dont have a lot for her to get! Who do you go to in Greenpoint for your cats? Is there a vet in the neighborhood or in Williamsburg that your readers can reccomend? I would be very grateful because one of my cats has started overgrooming this week. All of the sudden she cleans herself until she has bald spots!! I need to get her to a vet but because of her age dont want to put her through the trauma of a car/ subway ride to Queens. I would be very grateful if you or your readers recommended someone. Thanks.

  3. missheather on Fri, 29th Aug 2008 1:55 pm
  4. My husband and I go to Doctor Leiman (on Berry Street). I’ve heard good things about Paws & Claws (on 7th Street, I think) as well.

  5. rowan on Fri, 29th Aug 2008 4:08 pm
  6. to clarify, Dr. Leiman is part of Northside Veterinary Clinic in Williamsburg. Drs. Eisner and Mann are also part of the clinic and are good. totally recommend Northside Vet.

  7. d on Fri, 29th Aug 2008 4:38 pm
  8. I’ve also been hearing about these guys that call themselves Rescue Ink – a bunch of burly tattooed gentlemen who run around the city rescuing abused animals! Check them out – They have programs people can volunteer for too like feral cat catch, neuter, and release and companion outreach where they help rehabilitate people through working with animals. It’s so good to see so many groups willing to help animals, I’m a sucker myself who has saved a few in my time.

  9. starycats on Fri, 29th Aug 2008 8:10 pm
  10. Little Lucy…I know once she heals she will be a proud and confident kitty. That Mona looks like such a sweetie and what a wonderful little meow she has! Love her!

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