Recycle Properly On Harrison Avenue

August 26, 2008 by
Filed under: Williamsburg 

…or else.

Last week I groused about how my husband is somehow incapable of placing recyclable items in the proper receptacle. Even if said container is a mere four feet away. I am not a big fan of rummaging through our bathroom garbage can. In fact, it really pisses me off.

So needless to say I was pleased as punch when I recently happened upon this rather extensive directive to recycle properly on Harrison Avenue.

Not only was the Mister in tow…

but this seemed to get through to him. Maybe I should try this at home?

Miss Heather


2 Comments on Recycle Properly On Harrison Avenue

  1. bitchcakes on Tue, 26th Aug 2008 1:13 pm
  2. Normally, I’d have a field day with the caliber of writing here. But in this case, I will say nothing. I applaud their sentiment and recycling conviction! (Has it had any effect on the Mr yet?)

  3. annulla on Tue, 26th Aug 2008 6:01 pm
  4. Maybe you need to threaten to cut him. Or, even worse, cvt him.

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