Urban Fur: Waiting
Grand & Havemeyer Street, November 6th, 3:00 p.m.
Grand & Havemeyer Street, November 6th, 4:00 – 4:30 p.m.
Photo Credits: the latter photo comes courtesy of Bitchcakes.
4 Comments on Urban Fur: Waiting
Sharon121 on
Tue, 8th Nov 2011 9:02 am
missheather on
Tue, 8th Nov 2011 9:13 am
Sharon121 on
Tue, 8th Nov 2011 11:12 am
missheather on
Tue, 8th Nov 2011 8:39 pm
Nice, let’s take/post pictures of a poor dog tied to a mailbox forever. Did somebody at least make sure his assh**e of an owner came and got him?
Bitchcakes saw his “person” check up on him. This having been established, he was clearly in a state of distress from being lonely and cold. In addition, some folks have made a cottage industry of stealing dogs for the reward money. I really wish folks would opt to leave their dogs at home in such circumstances. I strongly suspect this pup would have preferred doing so.
In addition, the fact both Bitchcakes and I took photos of the same dog on the same day is purely coincidental. In other words, we were not in cahoots and/or simply hanging out there. I noticed that we took photos of this fella. I brought this to her attention, we discussed when we took said photos and concluded he had been left out there for at least an hour. Probably more like two. Who knows for certain? Not cool.
Most people shouldn’t own animals and it really annoys me when dogs are left tied like this, esp in the heat or cold. I especially love when somebody is eating inside a restaurant and leaves their dog outside inside of just leaving the dog at home.
BTW, apologies, I didn’t realize the pictures were coincidentally taken by 2 different people.
I’d say the problem is a lot of people have the attitude that owning an animal is not unlike owning a car or a piece of furniture. It isn’t: these are sentient beings who depend on us to act in their best interests. While I certainly understand that people like to take their dogs with them as they run errands— this is one of the perks of dogs vs. cats: they enjoy doing this kind of thing, cats could care less— sometimes it is better to leave your fur kids at home.
No worries about the misunderstanding, Sharon. Your heart was in the right place!
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