New York Shitty Day Ender: Prince Charming

When I saw the above carriage on Bedford Avenue this afternoon I could not resist photographing it. There was something about its placement I found compelling— and it got me to thinking:

Exactly what would a north Brooklyn fairy godmother use to make a carriage? It’s not exactly like pumpkins are in ample supply.

Well, dear readers, I am still mulling over this question (a 40 ounce bottle of Pabst Blue Ribbon or Zwyiec, perhaps?)— but methinks I know what a modern day 11211 Prince Charming looks like if/when he comes to call. In fact, I found him just around the corner!

Miss Heather: Those MTA cut-backs are a real bitch, aren’t they?
My Prince Charming:

Yeah, now they have to wheel me down the street!

Welcome to the Cinderella story of the 21st century, ladies. It is most decidedly not for the weak.

Miss Heather


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