March 2, 2011 by
Filed under: 11211, Street Art, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

Sometimes an image’s provenance is as interesting— if not more so— than the image itself. I certainly found this to be the case regarding the above work of art which was brought to my attention via jamie nyc.

NohJColey - "HOODwinked"

He writes:

Brand spanking new interactive sculpture piece in Brooklyn. The hands and arms move via wires and are magnetized.

Right after I shot this I turned the corner and a Hasidic guy in a car asked me what I was doing. I told him I was shooting street art.

He said:

“You have to around corner. There’s a great new one, really beautiful. The hands move too”.

NohJ’s got the BKLYN Hasids interacting with Street Art!


Very awesome indeed! Follows is a little footage of yours truly interacting with it.

Miss Heather


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