Word Of The Day: Crapification

May 15, 2008 by
Filed under: Williamsburg 

Crapification (crap’-if-fic-ka-shen) n. Restoration of a deteriorated but otherwise tasteful old building with a total disregard for aesthetics and/or context. —crap’-i-fy’ v. (ified, fying, -fies) See: the building at the southeastern corner of Penn Street and Harrison Avenue in Williamsburg

Could someone please explain to me why someone would do this?

Seriously, I really want to know.

Miss Heather


3 Comments on Word Of The Day: Crapification

  1. amandabee on Thu, 15th May 2008 1:42 pm
  2. 1) The owner is an unmitigated asshole and he managed to really piss his contractor off, so his contractor is like “okay, I’ll work to spec. How do you like me now?”

    2) The contractor is an unmitigated asshole.

    3) They’re planning a massive scavenger hunt. Actually the building is shown in a map to secret treasure and the only way to preserve the secret of the treasure is to hide the building behind a false facade so that no one will be able to retrace the map.

  3. bestviewinbrooklyn on Thu, 15th May 2008 2:10 pm
  4. I’ll bet you’re a killer at Balderdash.

    That photo shows such an obscene juxtaposition that I thought it was Photoshopped at first. I guess when someone has vision but not a lot of cash, they just want to follow a dream in the quickest, cheapest manner. That, or maybe it’s a new form of preservation – along the lines of Mike Mulligan and his Steam Shovel. Just build around what you can’t move.

  5. missheather on Thu, 15th May 2008 4:24 pm
  6. I agree. amandabee deserves some sort of prize for that comment.

    I’d like to throw this one in suggestion: they’re building a time capsule.

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