Word Of The Day: Boob

When I showed the above images to my buddy at Bad Advice yesterday she was non-plussed. Then I pointed a rather, um, well-worn copy of Irresistibility that was located 6 feet in front of said “installation”.

We chuckled. Naturally when I got home I researched this tome. Here’s my favorite passage per amazon across the pond:

Irresistibility comes from the persuasive pen of Philippa Davies, a psychologist who numbers Tony Blair amongst the high-profile clientele she has coached in self-presentation skills. In today’s competitive market place, “it is no longer enough to be good at what we do, we have to be able to sell our skills to the world”, she opines, before launching into a training course of confidence-building and sales psychology techniques to ensure that we capitalise on our under-exploited potential.

Her philosophy to becoming personally and professionally irresistible operates on both internal and external levels. In tandem with underlining the importance of believing in ourselves, running through tricks to counter low self-esteem and overcome the negative thought patterns that prevent us from reaching our goals, she shows us how to dazzle the outside world with a display of confidence and capability. Self-assurance is the key to selling ourselves as desirable commodities: after all, “if you don’t believe in what you’re selling, how do you expect anyone else to?” And even if at first we are only bluffing, the positive feedback we will receive through projecting irresistibility will help us to sell ourselves even more successfully.

This combination of inner-self stroking and targeted strategy looks set to become an instant classic and makes indispensable reading for all of us who know we could do better. After reading this, there are no excuses!

My observation from the other side: boobs help. Take Sarah Palin, for example.

Miss Heather


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