Williamsburg Street Art Du Jour: White Cocoa

August 23, 2010 by
Filed under: 11211, Street Art, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

This, the latest piece I have encountered by this amazingly talented artist, can be found on Wythe Avenue.

Miss Heather


One Comment on Williamsburg Street Art Du Jour: White Cocoa

  1. Ellen Mueller | “TWO” at XYandZ Gallery on Wed, 11th Sep 2013 10:39 pm
  2. […] ARTISTS: buZ Blurr aka Colossus of Roads, Allan Packer, Adam Garcia, Mia Nolting, White Cocoa, Jennifer Davis, Ellen Mueller, Michael Gaughan, Oakley Tapola, Dane Klingaman, Alex Chitty, Lee […]

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