From The New York Shitty Inbox: Party At 66 North 1st Street?

August 1, 2010 by
Filed under: 11211, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

As noted on Brownstoner this property has had a rather troubled history. Nonetheless 66 North 1 Street recently went back on the market— and as of two weeks ago had nine units in contract. If my inbox is any indication, I’d hazard to guess at least one of them has sold.

Anonymous writes (in an email written at 7:24 this morning and is entitled “Al Fresco Dance Party”):

My wife and I and our 16 month old daughter have been kept up all night by a quite clearly illegal dance party hosted in a stalled condo project on North 1st, between kent and wythe I called the police a total of 4 times during the night, and 311 as well. Do you know how to get hold of the details of the owners of buildings like this ? Also, is there anything we can do as members of the community ? Community board meetings or similar? It’s 7.30 and it’s still going on. I’m concerned that if they think the cops are powerless, they will carry on for the rest of the summer. If they do, we’re moving out. Any suggestions you could make would be greatly appreciated.

Um, is that lady wearing a boa? On a Sunday?

Not just one— not just two— but three turntables. This is one professional operation!

He goes on to write:

90th were on the case last night apparently. They sent out cars 3/4 times apparently and just asked them to turn it down (?!?!)… Actually got in touch with the developers.

Anonymous has called the police and contacted the developer of this property. This is a good start. Regrettably the police did not fix the problem and exactly how the developer will respond remains to be seen. I would recommend he follow-up at the next 90th Precinct Community Council meeting. If my memory serves me correctly the 94th (which I am much more familiar with) does not conduct meetings in August. Therefore, I would encourage him to call their Community Affairs Office at: (718) 963 – 5309 and learn when the next meeting is scheduled (I’m guessing September).

Although this is clearly a police matter, attending the next Community Board 1 meeting might also be worth Anonymous’s time. The next combined public hearing/board meeting will be September 15, 2010 starting at 6:30 p.m. (NOTE/CAVEAT: you must sign up to speak by or before 6:00 p.m.). In the meantime CB1 can be contacted via email at:

bk01(at) cb (dot) nyc (dot) gov

Other resources/contacts I’d recommend are:

  1. His local City Councilman, who happens to be Steve Levin. His district office can be reached via telephone at: (718) 875-5200
  2. And of course there is his local state Assemblyman, Joe Lentol. His office can be reached via telephone at (718) 383-7474.
  3. Lastly, Anonymous’s State Assemblyman is Daniel Squadron. His office can be contacted via email at: squadron (at) senate (dot) state (dot) ny (dot) us

This is just a short list. Anyone out there have advice to tender? If so please submit them via comments or email at: missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com. Your identity will remain anonymous if you so desire. In closing it goes without saying that Anonymous could contact the neighbors in question. My recommendation would be to wait a few more hours. They’re probably sleeping.

Miss Heather

UPDATE, 6:20 p.m.: An eagle-eyed reader (and I would presume, disgruntled neighbor) writes:

That stupid party at 66 North 1st finally stopped at 9 am. Did you notice the 2 gas cylinders on either side of the DJ table? I wonder if they’re oxygen, acetylene, or maybe nitrous oxide?

I have now! This latest revelation has been a source of serious debate between the Mister and me. He says they’ve been “huffing”. I beg to differ. Being the kind of gal who likes to see the glass gas tank as “half full” I prefer to see these tanks filling balloons for Chelsea Clinton’s wedding reception. Is the barefoot woman in white Hillary? One can only hope so. After all, Willyburg already has one Bill— what’s another one?

Update, 8:40 p.m.: Per a commenter no one lives in this building at all! And so the mystery of the 66 North 1st Street “party” continues. It is also interesting to note a complaint was filed on June 9, 2010 stating this was a derelict construction site. The Department of Building’s inspection (which dates from July 14, 2010) is as follows:


Update, August 2, 2010: and now a word from this building’s PR firm…

I handle the public relations for 66 North1st, and I just saw the recent post on 66 North 1st. Wanted to let you know that it was definitely not a pr/sales stunt and the brokers truly had no idea. This party was held without permission from the owners and without management’s knowledge…

Update, August 3, 2010: it would appear this was the second party thrown at this nondo. A tipster writes:

That was the second of those parties at 66 North 1st. The first was a month or two ago. It was just as loud, but must have ended sometime during the night, because I couldn’t hear it in the morning.

But it was definitely at that location, because I could see the lights in the back yard.

Photo Credits: 66 North 1 Street thumbnail comes courtesy of Brownstoner.


17 Comments on From The New York Shitty Inbox: Party At 66 North 1st Street?

  1. anotherneighbor on Sun, 1st Aug 2010 7:23 pm
  2. i went over at 2 a.m and asked who was throwing the party and was told it was someone named Moe Bleeker. I called the cops and filed a complaint and gave them that name in an ear shot of the young men guarding the door. The cops said there had been several complaints and would send a car. Soon Mr. Moe Bleeker appeared and said it was a “birthday party” and he had no idea that the music was too loud. i did not in that moment ask him why the music was also really horrible but instead asked him to turn it off. He said he would turn it down, and i said that wasn’t good enough and that it was keeping the whole neighborhood awake. he then said “but no one lives here” and offered to invite me in to the party..i told him i had called the police and they were on their way and went home and closed all my windows (which didnt really help becasue it was so fucking loud). This morning at 8:30 a.m. it was still REALLY FUCKING LOUD and i called the cops again and walked over and waited till they arrived and watched them close it down.

    This afternoon i went to the open house to sell the most ugly apartments (some half finished, all cheap and horrible, with views of the evil and illegal MERCAT NEGRE rooftop which i’ll save for another comment). I met DANIEL FRIED cell# 1-917-7(excised) from “the real estate group” who is trying to sell these really ugly apartments and he said he had no idea what the party was, it was the first he heard of it ( later i found out he was lying). He blamed it on the night security, saying it was one of the night security guards. i told him that the police were called and he said he would find out more. anyone reading this should call him at 2 a.m. tonight to get the playlist. i can’t emphasize this enough: it wasnt just the boa people, it was the worst music i’ve ever heard and it was really really loud.

  3. KJ on Mon, 2nd Aug 2010 11:06 am
  4. I have a suggestion. Move yourself, your wife and your 16-month-old daughter to the Upper East Side. Better yet, head to the nice, quiet, family-oriented communities of Long Island or Jersey.

    Instead, you chose to move to Williamsburg: “home of the illegal dance party/all-night indie-rock drug n boozefest.” And now you’re surprised by this?

    Not to mention, you chose to raise your daughter in an (only somewhat former) industrial wasteland, a place described as “the most toxic place to live” (see A place that, for example, boasts the city’s only chemical and nuclear storage facility (a block from you, btw) and which boasts the highest childhood asthma rates in the country. Great parenting!

    Undoubtedly, this quality decision making results from your advanced degree and tastemaker status. You are a hip “young professional.” Too vain to admit to yourself that you are now a “family man,” that your undergrad keg-stand glory days are behind you, you sit home on Saturday night and sip craft beers with the wifey. Face it: you have become your parents.

  5. subtrak on Mon, 2nd Aug 2010 3:14 pm
  6. If you don’t like skateboarding, graffiti, loud bands rehearsing, loud electronic music, and general creative mischief, you should probably GET THE HELL OUT OF WILLIAMSBURG.

    The East Village was ruined a long time ago (Williamsburg is practically over as well–case in point, this thread) so nine to five people like you could live like dollhouse figurines and be free of creative people throwing the bird to suburban modes of living. So, go there.

    Just think, you’ll have a starbucks! I know you love those grande lattes like a hooker loves a day trader.

  7. LenaB on Tue, 3rd Aug 2010 10:40 am
  8. Nooooooooooo! Not a boa on SUNDAYYYYYY! WHYYYYYYYYYYYY?

    The worst part is: this girl probably started wearing that boa on Saturday and didn’t even have the neighborhoodish decency and respect to go home to change into a scarf or beads. It was probably HER that brought those gas tanks, but that terrorist looking guy had plans with it. Had you not called the police, they could have blown up birthday balloons. Nice job. Keep America safe! Instead of getting incoherently drunk and stumbling home missing one shoe, these guys are listening to music and dancing at hours different from when we like to!

  9. missheather on Tue, 3rd Aug 2010 10:51 am
  10. LenaB writes: Instead of getting incoherently drunk and stumbling home missing one shoe, these guys are listening to music and dancing at hours different from when we like to!

    You forgot to mention while trespassing on someone else’s property (and a luxury condo at that). This is not exactly what I would call “keeping it real” in the Burg. Quite to the contrary. I find it fascinating that all the people who are “outraged” (and in some cases have seen fit to write nasty comments— you know who you are and need to read my policy about commenting. This is a polite warning.) do not see fit to knowledge this not so little illegality.

  11. LenaB on Wed, 4th Aug 2010 12:20 am
  12. Miss Heather,

    I think that it’s a big hypocrisy to post these creepy voyeuristic photos with assumptions, legal accusations and stereotypical insinuations, and then turn around with a “polite warning” about not being nasty.

    I also think that you know you are wrong. You must know that you are:

    1. You are neither a police nor a judge and cannot convict someone of trespassing or throwing illegal parties, no matter how solid your detective case may seem to you, Sherlock and Watson;

    2. It is disgraceful and shameful that you would post these pictures on a website and actually state the first and last name of a person who you heard from someone who heard from someone else that THIS was the person responsible for everything. You should be sensitive and wary of making these accusations if you are not 100% sure of their validities;

    3. These pictures and comments are creepy, and really weird.

    You should know that every person in these pictures has hundreds of friends who are laughing at this posting. These 3 “outraged” comments have spared you much of the public humiliation. We are artists, musicians, medical professionals, designers, lawyers, students, architects and engineers from different parts of the world (and some of us even live in luxury condos!!!). I suggest that you remove the pictures and the names, but, hey, this is your “shitty” blog.

  13. missheather on Wed, 4th Aug 2010 10:27 am
  14. You wrote: You are neither a police nor a judge and cannot convict someone of trespassing or throwing illegal parties, no matter how solid your detective case may seem to you, Sherlock and Watson.

    Had you bothered to read the latest update you would learn that this property’s PR firm confirmed this party was, in fact, thrown without their knowledge or permission by the night watchman.

    You wrote: You should know that every person in these pictures has hundreds of friends who are laughing at this posting. These 3 “outraged” comments have spared you much of the public humiliation. We are artists, musicians, medical professionals, designers, lawyers, students, architects and engineers from different parts of the world (and some of us even live in luxury condos!!!). I suggest that you remove the pictures and the names, but, hey, this is your “shitty” blog.

    The only thing people are laughing at is the fact an empty condo in Williamsburg (and there are many) was used for an all night dance party. This is because— despite being a public nuisance— it IS funny. And *very* weird.

  15. slr on Wed, 4th Aug 2010 12:00 pm
  16. Wow.. so, subtrak/KJ if we don’t like spoiled rich kids partying in abandoned condos, WE should get out of the area? pfff! This is A DANCE PARTY with PROFESSIONAL TURNTABLES.. haha! THIS is gentrification! I’ll drink Cafe Grumpy, thank you very much… and I’ll try not to spill it while laughing at some of these comments.

    Being lawful (ie: not breaking into condos and having dance parties) and being courteous to those around you (ie: not breaking into condos and throwing loud/obnoxious dance parties) is not un-new york.. it is not anti-gentrification.. and it is not cool. What a lame excuse to get away with being loud and obnoxious!

    LenaB- woah. Really? I mean, are you really being serious? The pictures are not creepy- breaking into a condo and throwing an obnoxious dance party is creepy.. and stupid.. and obnoxious to those around it.
    And.. oooh! they have hundreds of friends laughing at this? oohh.. great middle school come-back! Is your mom going to start posting on here as well to reprimand us?

    I know, it’s such a weird concept to many of you to take personal responsibility, to do what is right and to be a decent human being by acting like a non-asshole and being aware of your surroundings or others around you. Just because you live in NYC, does not give you a card to do whatever the fuck you want and say that not doing so is gentrification and you don’t belong and to move out. I’m sure that shit didn’t fly with my grandparents in Brooklyn 50 years ago.. I’m not sure why it should now.

  17. LenaB on Wed, 4th Aug 2010 6:34 pm
  18. Calling the cops on a noise disturbance = normal, we’ve all done it;

    Posting a blog with sniper-view eye-witness testimonies = overboard, VERY creepy;

    Defending these absurdities = ridiculous… and quit quoting O.P.E.

  19. slr on Thu, 5th Aug 2010 9:41 am
  20. Overboard? I’m pretty sure breaking into a condo to throw an all night party that disturbs everyone around it is overboard and VERY creepy.. and very selfish.

    Trying to put an end to something (and this is not just a noise disturbance.. this is trespassing) that cops did nothing about is not creepy but honorable. Heaven forbid an area be livable.


  21. karitakon on Thu, 5th Aug 2010 4:16 pm
  22. KJ and SLR’s both make great convincing arguments for both sides of the issue.

    All I got to say is, Welcome to Williamsburg. Non-native New York transplants who make up about 80% of the area now should of realized what they were getting into from the start when moving into that wasteland. You never want to live where the party is at, let alone raise a family there.

    Does that make this incident justified, No.

    However, its like living moving to Midtown and complaining about the bright lights and tourists. Or moving to the ghetto and complaining about drugs and gunshots. Before the gentrification that took place in the early 2000’s that what Wbrg was…ghetto.

    However, yes, they have every right to complain and I don’t think the photos are creepy. They’republic photographs taken as evidence, hell on average walking down the street were photographed and on security cams at least 20 times a day in the city. It’s no difference.

    Complaining to the land owners is a waste, they don’t care. They welcome that vibe and noise complaints to drive the old tenets, renovate, and charge higher rent to the hipsters. Its happening right now with Bushwick.

  23. slr on Fri, 6th Aug 2010 11:21 am
  24. Don’t you understand that it is the non- native New Yorkers who make it this way? Is it the native New Yorker or the implant who has made Williamsburg what it is today? I beg to differ with you. Portions of Williamsburg were working, middle class Italian American families- not all night partying NYU students and trust fund babies from the midwest we see today… there was a larger Hasidic population.. a larger polish population.. a larger Jewish population.

    As you said yourself, NY transplants make up 80 percent of the area.. so is this a result of the native new yorker? No- it is the result of NYC transplants that have made the neighborhood this way… It’s not the non-native new yorker who throws their hands up in the air- they are too busy partying at the new ___ in Williamsburg.. and partying it up with the hipsters.

    Do you think the people who broke into the condo are native new yorkers? I guarantee they are not.

  25. lottieda on Fri, 6th Aug 2010 7:03 pm
  26. It is trivial to argue whether the source of trouble is native or non-native New Yorkers. We are a nation of immigrants, after all. Having grown up in NYC does not necessarily mean one is immune from being a jerk, nor does the fact that one is a transplant to NYC mean that person has no regard for others. The bottom line is, what happened at the nondo was an obvious violation of the city’s noise code.

  27. no no on Fri, 6th Aug 2010 10:19 pm
  28. I am curious by the use of the word ghetto to describe Williamsburg’s pre-hipster state. You clearly have never been to a ghetto (or were not even here in 1995-2000, or even earlier) I guess those of us that moved out here in the 90’s , or those whose families have lived here for generations didn’t get the memo that said to move along if you don’t want a party going on all night long next door. Maybe, these trust fund brats can give us some stimulus money if they want us old farts out of the neighborhood that WE made cool enough for them to even consider moving to. I’ll happily buy your Daddies farm in Wisconsin, if you guys don’t want to grow the hell up and respect your own new neighborhood; instead of acting like this is your little Cancun vacation 7 nights a week.

  29. bloodyrich on Tue, 17th Aug 2010 10:13 am
  30. no huffing – those tanks are from before the parties- i guess they are from filling the A/C units.if anyone hears more about these illegal parties please post

  31. columbia2000 on Thu, 26th Aug 2010 12:52 am
  32. laughable PR statement from the developers. do they really expect anyone to believe that “they had no idea” about the party. i’m sure the building is losing money and was paid for the party. considering all the equipment hauled in for these events it’s clearly not an “illegal” event. come on.

  33. pretzel on Wed, 15th Sep 2010 12:59 pm
  34. So, I went to the last open house of this condo (I thought I had done my research, but I guess I missed this whole fiasco.) This explains some of the weird things dirty aspects of a few of the units: there was some liquid spilled all over the counter that the brokers didn’t bother to clean up (thought it was coffee, but now I’m sure it was something more sinister), there was a creepy collection of VHS tapes scattered about, and one of the bathrooms literally smelled like piss.
    So, thank you New York Shitty. You’ve helped me and hopefully several other people the dodge a bullet of this poorly maintained shithole.

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