Bedford Avenue Absolut Watch: Small Victory

July 6, 2010 by
Filed under: 11211, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

Some of you might recall that last week I made the acquaintance of the above gentleman. He was painting an advertisement for Absolut Brooklyn on Bedford Avenue. In the course of our conversation I pointed out to him that there was a certain, um, irregularity regarding the numeric order of two adjacent row houses. More specifically I pointed out that they were numbered “400” and “387” respectively and stated:

…In any case you might want to fix that. May I suggest you make the building on the right “398″?

Well today I happened to be back on Bedford…

and I had to know:

Did he or didn’t he (take my advice)?

The answer is…

a qualified yes!

Hey, it isn’t perfection but at least it is a step on the right direction.

Miss Heather

P.S.: While I am on the subject, WTF is this about?


3 Comments on Bedford Avenue Absolut Watch: Small Victory

  1. rowan on Thu, 8th Jul 2010 3:45 pm
  2. that looks like fingers.

  3. amandabee on Fri, 9th Jul 2010 9:40 am
  4. Question: is that even legal? Our block was graced with a Ford Prius “mural” for a few weeks this winter. How is that different from a billboard?

  5. missheather on Fri, 9th Jul 2010 3:51 pm
  6. It would be interesting it see if this is legal. It is my understanding most billboards (which this more or less is) in this city are illegal.

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