LAST GASP: Presenting The Night Gallery

It is not as if I didn’t see it coming. I did. Yesterday when I went to grab a beverage from a local bodega I spied a man twitching and talking to himself. He helped himself to a fistful of ice cooling a bin of fresh fruit. This was summarily tossed in his mouth and crunched upon with much ferocity. Welcome to north Brooklyn in the summer. I’ve seen enough of them to know what they entail. However, I was not prepared for something I spied on Graham Avenue this evening. Something so extraordinary it simply cannot wait until tomorrow. Without further ado, here it is.

Whenever I see an arrangement such as this “my little voice” tells me that I have stumbled upon a very special find.

My little voice is rarely wrong.


We’ll take these one by one starting with the item at the top left.

I have to admit it: I rather like this.

For “special people”, “friends” and “movie stars”— and by written invitation only? What is this, the Algonquin Round Table? This is one class operation!

I have no idea how these factor into this installation— but here they are.

But I suppose we should expect the unexpected at a place in north Brooklyn that calls itself  “The Night Gallery”. If any of you, dear readers, want to see something truly, um, interesting swing by this establishment. It can be found on the western side of Graham Avenue between Ainslie Street and Devoe Street methinks. I was unable to get an exact address because the street number was covered by a “No Trespassing” sign. Oh yeah, don’t tell ’em I sent you.

Miss Heather

P.S.: One thing I was unable to capture on film were all the flies milling about in the window. It was like something out of The Amityville Horror. Creepy.


3 Comments on LAST GASP: Presenting The Night Gallery

  1. Xris (Flatbush Gardener) on Sat, 26th Jun 2010 8:08 am


  3. picklefreak on Sat, 26th Jun 2010 9:50 am
  4. The first image of the “I am the Grim Repper” and the small Snoopy canvas are by an artist named John Williamson. He sells on different streets in the city on certain days of the week. Each canvas has a small slip of paper with his phone number on it so you can call him and ask where he is. I own a small collection myself and have friends who own hundreds of them…maybe this is his “gallery”?

  5. Single Linds Reflex on Sat, 26th Jun 2010 7:07 pm
  6. Woah! That is amazing- spelling errors and all.

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