Williamsburg Photos Du Jour: Corporate Creep

May 5, 2010 by
Filed under: 11211, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

From Bedford Avenue.

Miss Heather


3 Comments on Williamsburg Photos Du Jour: Corporate Creep

  1. vintagejames on Wed, 5th May 2010 4:05 pm
  2. Have the same problem in my area, around Sheepshead Bay. Finally found a real pharmacy in Gerritsen Beach. If the Rite Aid kind of stores move there, all is lost.

  3. eaglestreeter on Thu, 6th May 2010 9:56 am
  4. This is so delicious, it’s like an irony layer cake!! First, you have the irony of the fact that Duane Reade would not even give a shit about this neighborhood if not for the gentrification by these privileged “kids” who now protest their arrival. Second, it’s still a valid concern. Third, how many of these new hipster establishments bullied out previous small businesses? Fourth, you can’t even have a story about Williamsburg anymore without it being ironic. This is like the gift that keeps on giving!

  5. Ned Berke | Sheepshead Bay News Blog on Thu, 6th May 2010 11:26 pm
  6. vintagejames: Whereabouts in Sheepshead Bay are you? There seems no shortage of mom-and-pop pharmacies here. In fact, new ones are opening all the time. Just walk down Sheepshead Bay Road – there are four pharmacies that I can think of in about as many blocks. And that’s NOT including the CVS.

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