FOUND: Tarpitter

January 10, 2010 by
Filed under: 11211, Street Art, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

Ever had one of those moments when you find yourself saying:

Awww, that’s really sweet!

This afternoon I had such a moment. At the behest of Bedford Avenue of all places.

I found this little critter outside of Spoonbill & Sugartown Booksellers.

Noticing he (?) was affixed with Velcro, I grabbed him. He now resides at Chez Shitty in beautiful Greenpoint, Brooklyn.

Awww, that’s really sweet!

My curiousity aroused, I checked out the url inscribed on the back without delay. My find would appear to be part of a greater project by an artist in Great Britain. He (?) leaves these diminutive paintings— “Hiders” as he calls them— for people to find.

Thank you, Tarpitter critter-maker! Your serendipitous gift made my day. You can rest assured this little guy has found a very good home…

…on my desk next to the Mister’s vitamin supplements!

Miss Heather

UPDATE, January 12, 2010: I made the peeps of Tarpitters aware of my find. They gave me some very nice props on their web site! Thanks again guys (and gals)!


4 Comments on FOUND: Tarpitter

  1. SpillConspirator on Sun, 10th Jan 2010 7:58 pm
  2. Cool!

  3. kav irla on Mon, 11th Jan 2010 3:31 pm
  4. I love this! Lucky lady – your keen eye makes you very deserving.

  5. d on Mon, 11th Jan 2010 7:23 pm
  6. It’s adorable!

  7. bitchcakes on Mon, 11th Jan 2010 8:52 pm
  8. What a great find and a fun project! I love it!

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