Three Piece Chicken Dinner on North 5th Street

November 30, 2007 by
Filed under: Williamsburg 

Anyone out there want some chicken heads? If so, head on down to North 5 Street and get you some.

Chicken Head

This one can be found on the north side of the street.

Chicken Heads and Candy

Her two decapitated companions can be found on the south side. What’s more, whoever left these delightful pieces of poultry was even kind enough to provide dessert. Julia Child (god rest her soul) would be proud!

As I was taking these photographs I watched a woman pushing a stroller drive right over of them. Either she simply didn’t notice or she didn’t care. This dude, however, took a break from talking on his cell phone to contemplate one.

Man comtemplating chicken heads


Miss Heather


6 Comments on Three Piece Chicken Dinner on North 5th Street

  1. rowan on Fri, 30th Nov 2007 2:40 pm
  2. that’s even better than the river of chicken blood i jumped over one morning while crossing Greenpoint Ave.

  3. vintagejames on Fri, 30th Nov 2007 3:01 pm
  4. Try checking out the website on the buidling’s sign. It is which is a Toll site. Doesn’t look like anything in Brooklyn I know. Maybe Babs led them over here. Bleached hair does wonders for some. Doesn’t turn me on. Nor does Toll Brothers. Run for cover if they are coming in. They can make Belvedere look good.

  5. Tony From Kent Street on Fri, 30th Nov 2007 4:37 pm
  6. vj- that website for north side piers gave me a stomach ache. did you see the page of the young wealthy guy who loves to buy cheeses from Bedford ave on his way home from work? it’s mesmerizing. yo.

  7. ickyinbrooklyn on Fri, 30th Nov 2007 5:50 pm
  8. One word: Awesome.

  9. missheather on Fri, 30th Nov 2007 8:55 pm
  10. V.J. and T.F.K.S.: Chicken heads with brie is the dish for me! But what about the wine? If what the Beastie Boys said was true Blue Nun goes nice with chicken.

  11. marie on Fri, 30th Nov 2007 10:37 pm
  12. In South Africa the chicken heads are the Talkie part of a Walkie Talkie. Street food: fried chicken heads and feet.
    Or, in a variation, the LookDown part of Runaways and LookDowns.

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