New York Shitty Day Starter: Pretty Vacant

August 4, 2009 by
Filed under: 11211, Street Art, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 


From North 8 Street.

Miss Heather

P.S.: Yes, I know Sarah Palin is no longer holding elective office. But if hating her is wrong I don’t want to be right.


2 Comments on New York Shitty Day Starter: Pretty Vacant

  1. rodmur on Tue, 4th Aug 2009 9:19 am
  2. I watched Breakfast in Tiffany’s for the first time all the way through on Sunday. I think I had only seen the ending before.

  3. rodmur on Tue, 4th Aug 2009 9:20 am
  4. The larger face would appear to be Audrey Hepburn, thus the Breakfast AT Tiffany’s reference.

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