Williamsburg Slide Show Du Jour: Inside Engine 212

March 10, 2009 by
Filed under: Williamsburg 


This weekend I met my good friend and community activist extraordinaire, Phil DePaulo. After having lunch he asked if I’d like to check out the interior of Engine 212 (also known as The Peoples Firehouse)  at 136 Wythe Avenue. He told me they were preparing for a one-night event and this was a very unique opportunity. Being a maven of things old, dusty and decayed I thought about this for maybe nanosecond and enthusiastically replied:

Hell yeah!

Follows is a sampling of photographs from my experience. Enjoy!

I can hardly wait to see this place restored back to its former and all-too-well deserved glory— how about you?

Miss Heather

Photo Credits: Radiator photograph by Mr. Heather


2 Comments on Williamsburg Slide Show Du Jour: Inside Engine 212

  1. rowan on Tue, 10th Mar 2009 6:34 pm
  2. fantastic photos. love the staircase.

  3. anonymouse on Tue, 10th Mar 2009 7:07 pm
  4. Let’s hope they can keep some of the original detail– like that fab radiator (so beautifully photographed by the mister).

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