Reader Question Of The Week: Thriftless In Williamsburg

February 21, 2009 by
Filed under: Bushwick, Williamsburg 

John writes:

Do you know where the Hasidic guy moved his glorious warehouse full of shit since leaving Driggs near McCarren? I kinda miss digging through his crap. Since that space is now full of groceries (Khim’s Millennium Market— Ed. Note), it’s not nearly as fun to sift through.

Well, I asked Larry da Junkman (all these guys know each other— I swear there’s some kind of  junk shop mafia in this city). The best he could tell me is he relocated his business in Bushwick— off either the Jefferson Street or Dekalb Avenue stop of the L.

Perhaps one of our friends to the south can pin down this location for us? If you know where this business is please share it with us via comments.


Miss Heather


2 Comments on Reader Question Of The Week: Thriftless In Williamsburg

  1. caroline on Sat, 21st Feb 2009 7:54 pm
  2. 276 starr st. abt a half a block from the jefferson stop. here’s some more info

  3. missheather on Sun, 22nd Feb 2009 12:56 am
  4. Thanks for passing this along!

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