
April 6, 2007 by
Filed under: Area 51 

This morning (having the desire to goof-off and for wont of anything to write about) I sojourned over the Reverend Spyro’s Snakeoil Emporium to see what’s shaking. When I got there I was assaulted by a rather lengthy rant whose scathing wit and pure vitriol not only came close to searing out my eyeballs out, but also made me laugh my ass off.

All you west coast transplants who piss and moan about New York Shitty, watch out! Spyro will administer a verbal smack-down that you will not soon forget. God only knows, I won’t.


Miss Heather


One Comment on Whoa

  1. Rebecca11222 on Sat, 7th Apr 2007 12:24 pm
  2. Wait…let me get this straight: New York City is? …. NOT? …San Francisco? WTF?

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