
September 25, 2008 by
Filed under: Area 51 

You write something about your cat’s abscessed anal glands and people take notice. Tim Murphy (of New York Mag’s Daily Intel) writes:

Anybody who regularly reads the blog Newyorkshitty by a certain Miss Heather of Greenpoint knows that she’s disgusting and hilarious, going around the hood photographing dog poop and other vulgarities, then commenting on it in a way that fuses Dorothy Parker and South Park

Dorothy Parker?!? Thanks for the compliment, Mr. Murphy. I’m not being sarcastic. Although I always fancied myself more of a Chuck Bukowski girl. After all I live in Greenpoint and am one of only two women I know who likes The Three Stooges*. Seriously. I am an anomaly.

One who takes great relish in her vulgarity. Profanity is my craft. I apprenticed under my father; as a Journey(wo)man I polished my skills in New York Shitty. Greenpoint is my Valhalla, but alas a Journeywoman I still am. The following angry missive (courtesy of Pixxietails) made this fact clear all too clear to yours truly.

Rimming Meat Loaf?!? Ann and Nancy, that’s GROSS!

I have had this picture seared in my mind ALL DAY. It wasn’t pretty; in fact, I lost my appetite.

Needless to say I am your eager apprentice, Barracudas.


Miss Heather

*ESPECIALLY the Rajah of Canarsie, the Flathead from Flatbush and on the islands of Coney and Long fair chickadees who prowl the meadows day and night can be found!

P.S.: Didn’t John bother to read the lyrics of this song? Probably not.

If the real thing dont do the trick
No, you better make up something quick
You gonna burn burn burn burn it to the wick
Ooooooohhhh, barra barracuda.


2 Comments on Damn.

  1. mikeypod on Sun, 28th Sep 2008 8:54 am
  2. HAHAHAHA! Please tell me that Ann and Nancy really wrote this!

  3. rowan on Mon, 29th Sep 2008 12:05 am
  4. Did they?!?! I really hope so.

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