Props to the “Poop Report”

March 21, 2007 by
Filed under: Area 51 

When I recounted my rather unpleasant (and downright dangerous) experience at the McGolrick Park bathroom recently, I had no idea that it would strike a chord with so many people. I was (and still am) pretty surprised by the number of comments I received. On a whim (and per the recommendation of one commentor), I forwarded my tale of woe to The Poop Report.

Not only did the peeps at ‘Poop’ feature my story, but it would appear that I am a hero to a number of their readers. “Thunderous Crapper 36” raves:

Splendid act of turd terrorism there young lady you are to be commended. Dave is there some kind of medal of honor to give her? After all she did teach two absolute idiots a lesson I hope. A public toilet should be cleaned BETTER than you would clean your own just by the sheer number of people who use it!

“Anonymous” concurred:

This is probably the cleanest incident of turd terrorism on record. Kind of like a bio-weapon attack. — can’t see the poop but it’s there!

“Bunga Din” (whose screen name is fucking BRILLIANT – Ed. note) waxed poetic:

NastyASSity is the mother of invention, great report Miss Heather!!!
I guess if I was German I could say of your title: The city so nice, she named it sheisse!

And lastly, “Anal about Poop” applauded my ingenuity:

Ahhh, New York Shitty. It takes a special kind of someone to love that city. That was some ingenious thinking MH. I would have settled for the ATM receipts.

Thank you Poop Report! Your readers have helped me to understand that my ordeal was not about utter humiliation or a brush with mortality: it is a tale of triumph and defiance in the face of worthless lazy public servants.

Miss Heather


One Comment on Props to the “Poop Report”

  1. bunga din on Sun, 6th May 2007 12:00 am
  2. Thanks for the “Brilliant” . Took me a while to come up with a moniker, but I think I chose well. I’m sure you have a tale or two(how appropriate) more to contribute, please do, we all enjoyed your well documented experience.

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