My Dream Job

September 17, 2008 by
Filed under: Area 51, Greenpoint Magic 

Quite a few years ago, back when the Pencil Factory was “the” new bar in the neighborhood, my buddy Rachael and I took great delight in patronizing said establishment. The service was good as was the atmosphere— but these were not our only reasons for knocking back beer at the there. We had another slightly ulterior motive: watching all the Mobile Wash Unit trucks go by. As these vehicles would pass we would muse over how this had to be the greatest job ever.

Of course our idea of what makes a “dream job” is a little different than most. We were not so much interested in cleaning the streets per se. Rather, we relished the many ways we could abuse the power that comes with operating such a piece of machinery. Hurling bars of soap and blasting some of our neighborhood’s more hygienically disturbed citizens while screaming:

Go ahead and report us! We’re Union!

was easily our favorite scenario. In fact, we were so enamored of the Mobile Wash Unit we considered basing a drinking game around the spotting of their vehicles. Then we realized the depot was only two blocks away and that this game would probably be too short to be any fun.

Besides, we needed to be able to walk home.

I mention the previous because this week I saw a man with the Department of Sanitation’s anti-graffiti unit busy at work on West Street. He was having so much fun I wanted to join in.

Operating a sandblaster while listening to Kiss!?! It simply does not get any better than this. I wonder if this guy dances when no one is around? I can only hope so. Hell, if listening to Kiss* is one of the fringe benefits of working for the Department of Sanitation’s anti-graffiti brigade I’ll work for free!

What’s more if this stretch of sidewalk (three blocks away) is any indication, they could probably use me.

Miss Heather

*Motorhead (I would insist on singing along with Lemmy Kilmeister on “Ace of Spades”), AC/DC, Van Halen (Diamond Dave only), Iron Maiden, Juda Priest, Black Sabbath, Ozzy, etc., etc.


9 Comments on My Dream Job

  1. Jay on Wed, 17th Sep 2008 12:28 pm
  2. The only problem with your dream about your dream job is that those Mobile Wash Unit trucks belong to the MTA. That is, they don’t wash streets; they clean subway stations.

    Which of course still means that at least some of the “neighborhood’s more hygienically disturbed citizens” would still be available. Unfortunately the majority of them seem to stay just outside the stations, though.

  3. missheather on Wed, 17th Sep 2008 12:35 pm
  4. I beg to differ. The Mobile Wash Unit cleans up after traffic/pedestrian fatalities. I have seen this with own eyes on Greenpoint Avenue two years ago.

  5. rowan on Wed, 17th Sep 2008 12:51 pm
  6. i think you’re both right. i have seen them spraying down the subway steps, washing the station as well as soaking the sidewalks, as Heather observed.
    There is also a local band called Mobile Wash Unit. No idea if their music is good.

  7. missheather on Wed, 17th Sep 2008 12:52 pm
  8. MOBILE WASH UNIT: The Rock Opera

    please make this happen universe, please, please…

  9. thesweetchuck on Wed, 17th Sep 2008 1:24 pm
  10. Until we learned where they were coming from my friends and I were amazed at the volume of these things. We’d sit at the PF counting them as they passed, wondering the who/what/why. And we totally thought it’d be a great band name, and then of course realized it already was one.

  11. d on Thu, 18th Sep 2008 12:19 am
  12. Wow, I like a fellow Greenpointer who likes the rock. As a child of the 70s I remember doing KISS jigsaw puzzles when I was like, probably 6 or so. Motorhead plays at Roseland Saturday too. 🙂

  13. missheather on Thu, 18th Sep 2008 12:31 am
  14. I REALLY LIKE Motorhead, d.

  15. d on Thu, 18th Sep 2008 12:36 am
  16. Greenpoint could REALLY use a rock/metal bar. I usually just walk down to Duff’s in Williamsburg for my fix. That’s one of the best places ever.

  17. rowan on Fri, 19th Sep 2008 10:45 am
  18. van gogh’s radio lounge and lost and found appear to bill themselves as rock bars. check out the flyers on their windows to see who is playing. if you’re new to the neighborhood, it might be worth checking out.

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