Beaver Shot Barbie

March 4, 2007 by
Filed under: Area 51, Greenpoint Magic 

Beaver Shot Barbie

I found this at a local 99 cent store today. I have heard of accidental panty-flashings, etc., but for fuck’s sake— this gal isn’t even trying to conceal her (admittedly non-existent) naughty bits! The coy facial expression says it all: this woman knows damn well what she’s doing. Tramp.

The cocked head is also telling: upon closer inspection one will notice that she has a wonky eye just like Paris Hilton! At least this moll is encased in a prophylactic sheath to protect the general public.

Miss Heather


One Comment on Beaver Shot Barbie

  1. Rebecca11222 on Sun, 4th Mar 2007 8:01 pm
  2. Good thing she has the phone…she can call for some PANTS.

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