From The Lehrer News Hour

April 22, 2008 by
Filed under: Area 51 

I have a confession to make: I detest Mrs. Clinton. With a passion. That said, I care not to use my blog as a soap box for pillorying Hillary.

What more, with supporters like this why should I?

I just about shot my dinner (a grilled cheese sandwich) through my nose when I saw this woman extol upon the benefits of Hillary Rodham Clinton on national television with a sticker affixed— UPSIDE DOWN— to her forehead. Did someone in the Obama campaign pay this woman to do this or is using senior citizens as walking billboards some hitherto unknown component of Hillary’s new campaign strategy?

Miss Heather


One Comment on From The Lehrer News Hour

  1. Spanky on Wed, 23rd Apr 2008 11:17 am
  2. BUt don’t say you’d ever vote for McPain. Please. No matter how much you hate Hillary. Good ting you live in NY where your vote doesn’t matter (because the Democratic nominee is going to win the state anyways)! Get rid of the Electoral College!

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