Clinton Hill: No Pissin’

April 10, 2008 by
Filed under: Area 51 

It had been way too long since I have beheld some premium handmade signage admonishing people to abstain from anti-social behavior.

Therefore you can imagine my glee when I found not just one, but two such signs on Vanderbilt Avenue in Clinton Hill!

I was always under the impression that Clinton Hill was a nice (and by “nice” I mean it sports lovely architecture and is a bit on the dull side for yours truly) neighborhood. It would appear that I have grossly underestimated this neighborhood. It is much livelier than I thought.

Except for the “no smoking” proviso (and the lack of physical threats), this looks like something straight out of Greenpoint. Clinton Hill: they’re just like us!

In closing I’d like to give a shout-out to my colleagues down at Clinton Hill Blog. Please do not take offense at my gentle ribbing; I actually had a lot of fun knocking around in your fine ‘nabe. In fact, I suspect you guys (and gals) might be seeing me a little more often. Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to mind my P’s and Q’s now that I know the rules:


Miss Heather


One Comment on Clinton Hill: No Pissin’

  1. d on Sat, 12th Apr 2008 3:35 pm
  2. I really love the inappropriate use of quotes in so many local handwritten signs. I’m not being facetious either.

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