Crosstown Local Cavalcade X: Pick Your Poison

March 31, 2008 by
Filed under: Area 51 


Sure some of you might find this offensive but there are much worse things one can be subjected to in our subway system than color commentary about Carrie Fisher’s cleavage.

Invasive Hammertoe Poster

Like this, for example. I have lived in New York Shitty for over ten years. During the aforementioned decade I have seen some seriously nasty shit— hell, I have even used the Washington Square Park bathroom— but money shots of someone’s deformed feet? Does the MTA really hate its ridership enough to inflict this upon us? I guess they do.


Maybe this is some clever ploy to discourage people from using mass transit, e.g.; if the ridership of the Crosstown Local goes down they won’t have to improve service? First a fare hike and now this. I shudder to think what the evil wizards at the MTA have up their sleeve next. Bursting boils? Chancre removal? Colostomy can cleaning services?

This isn’t to suggest this subway poster cannot be amusing under the right circumstances. My buddy Lisa discovered one such instance recently.

Advertising Arts by Lisa Vallez

Talk about product placement. Welcome to where American art stands today: 1-877-Bunion-1.

Miss Heather

Photo Credit: Scary feet and Whitney Biennial photograph by Lisa Vallez.


3 Comments on Crosstown Local Cavalcade X: Pick Your Poison

  1. rowan on Mon, 31st Mar 2008 11:10 am
  2. i concur and would much rather look at cleavage than hammer-toes or bunions. or acne shots.

  3. missheather on Mon, 31st Mar 2008 2:07 pm
  4. This poster is wrong on so many levels. You just know some of the foot fetishists in this city are going ape shit over it. *Shudder*

  5. rowan on Mon, 31st Mar 2008 2:40 pm
  6. i thought foot fetishists liked pretty feet.

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