Neat Stuff

September 23, 2006 by
Filed under: (s)Hit Parade, Area 51 

I have been busy making stuff of late.

Here are two recently-completed pieces that I wish to share. I hope you enjoy them as much I as I do.

The FEMA Clock

FEMA Clock

The body of this clock is made from a pencil case I bought from a local 99 cent store before Hurricane Katrina. I thought it was pretty funny at the time of purchase, but I get a real rip out of it now. The penguin playing guitar is a nice touch.

I am toying around with the idea of placing this item for sale on Ebay just to see what will happen. It’s been my observation that many users of Ebay tend to be right-leaning, so I imagine it would not be received very well.

The American Express Lamp

Am Ex Lamp

I have been collecting those fake credit cards that come in junk mail for at least three years now. With some help from my friends, I have amassed around 100 of them as of this post. To date I have used them to spice up the chandelier in the living room, but I elected to pull a few ‘cards’ to make this nifty lamp shade.

Otherwise, I have one cool new development to announce: Jack E. Jett has shown interest in featuring some of my dog shit infotainment on his show. I suspect this weekend will be spent prepping stuff to this end and knocking out a PowerPoint presentation of my latest dog shit findings for all to enjoy.

Miss Heather


2 Comments on Neat Stuff

  1. judes on Fri, 29th Sep 2006 9:46 am
  2. You are so crafty! I love both of those! I don’t know if you found a job yet, but maybe you should just start making and selling stuff. . . . I’d definitely buy the clock.

  3. missheather on Fri, 29th Sep 2006 12:06 pm
  4. How goes it? Actually, I have a smallish online store on (Chateau de Ghetto). After I update it (which is long, LONG overdue) I’ll probably link to it from this blog.


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