Feral Cats Get Life in L.A.

December 29, 2007 by
Filed under: Area 51 

Los Angeles Times, 12/29/07

…unlike New York Shitty.

I never thought I would see the day that I would diss New York City and praise Los Angeles. I have lived in many places (including Irvine, California); Greenpoint is the only place I have ever felt at home. That said, we live in desperate times and I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised by anything anymore. While the Port Authority seeks to exterminate feral cats, our friends in the city of angels have found a more humane and pragmatic alternative. Per my left coast tipster:

…felines have been introduced, to great effect, at several stations with rodent problems. Parker Center may get them too.

What is she referring to you ask? Click here and find out!

Miss Heather

Photo Credit: Bob Chamberlin, L.A.Times


One Comment on Feral Cats Get Life in L.A.

  1. rowan on Mon, 31st Dec 2007 8:26 am
  2. that is fantastic. i hope NYC can soon follow suit. and a happy new year to you, Mr. Heather and the felines.

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