Parental Visit Wrap-Up: Part II

November 29, 2007 by
Filed under: Area 51 

My mother wanted to stay (at that new hotel) in Williamsburg.

Le Jolie via Curbed

And I said, NO, NO, NO!

Le Joile ala BQE

My parents stayed at the Best Western City Shitty View in Sunnyside instead.

City View, morning




Same shit.

A scenic view of Greenpoint’s favorite waste treatment plant is still better than staying at Le Jolie. Off the BQE. In Willy-B*.

Miss Heather

*Whoever came up moniker should be shot.

Photo Credits: Curbed, Miss Heather and Ma Heather


4 Comments on Parental Visit Wrap-Up: Part II

  1. judes on Thu, 29th Nov 2007 11:04 am
  2. You are a good daughter for dissuading your parents from staying there, though I wish they’d at least checked out the rooms so we could see what it looks like on the inside. Maybe it looks so ugly on the outside because they blew the budget on tasteful finishes and comfy mid-century design elements. Heh.

  3. missheather on Thu, 29th Nov 2007 11:10 am
  4. Trust me, when she saw the location she agreed. Actually the B.W. City View isn’t so bad. The only issue my parents had was with the maid service. Otherwise, it was safe, clean and easy to get to from Greenpoint.

  5. nobugs on Sat, 1st Dec 2007 1:59 am
  6. Are those silver domes = the waste treatment plant?

  7. missheather on Sat, 1st Dec 2007 8:35 am
  8. Yup.

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