Canine Chicanery

November 15, 2007 by
Filed under: Area 51, Crazy People, Greenpoint Magic 

It has come to my attention that Curbed recently dissed Bubbles’s lack of reward money for her return. That’s because Greenpoint peeps are generally nice people who will do good deeds without financial “encouragement”. In any case, if Bubbles the Greenpoint Pit Mix met the lost Williamsburg Boston Terrier she’d eat him (or her) for lunch. And take a $2,500 dump later.

Greenpoint is teaming with mean dogs. Or that’s what the local signage would like me to believe.

Exhibit A: India Street

India Street Canine

Not only did I fail to find a dog on the premises, but the phallic imagery made me laugh. Dilettantes.

Exhibit B: North 14th Street

14th Street Shit

Professional, yet uninspired and boring. Once again, nary a dog to be found.

Exhibit C: Meserole Avenue


I am not going to mess with the person who made this sign. Maybe there is a Rottweiler behind that door. Or maybe there isn’t. Do I feel lucky to find out? No, I don’t.

Miss Heather


3 Comments on Canine Chicanery

  1. dupreciate on Thu, 15th Nov 2007 3:10 pm
  2. If you pass that strange, nasty house every day (as I do), you’ll see that dog from time. He doesn’t seem mean at all. Coo at him and he’ll lower his ears.

  3. knotslaning on Fri, 16th Nov 2007 1:01 pm
  4. Ok not only did I used to live next door to the last house but that picture does not do his Rott justice. He does have a Rott and her name is Two and she is a fatty boom batty and I love her. She is so awesome and she was totally crushin’ on my poodle. Oh what cute babies they would have made if only Chico (my guy) would have shown her the time of day and would have been some where near her weight class! I love the signs he leaves on his house it is so delightful and informing! You should walk by his house around 3 when he leaves the bar oh what a scene that is but despite his constant drunkenness he is AWESOME and I miss being his neighbor 🙁

  5. Tex-a-licious on Fri, 21st Dec 2007 7:05 am

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