A Halloween Kitty Who Needs A Home

October 31, 2007 by
Filed under: Area 51 

Miss Antonia

Meet Miss Antonia. This petite Halloween kitty needs a home. Per the Brooklyn Animal Resource Coalition web site she is nice tempered little lady who is between 1 and 1 1/2 years old.

Sweet Antonia

I have been assured by Antonia personally she will not bring her new companion bad luck. In fact, she says basic black never goes out of style and that hers is a timeless beauty like Coco Chanel. I’m inclined to agree.

Those of you who wish to make the acquaintance of Miss Antonia can do so at BARC. She entertains homo sapien callers Tuesday through Saturday, noon until five p.m.

Brooklyn Animal Resource Coalition
253 Wythe Avenue (at North 1st)
Brooklyn, New York 11211
(718) 486-7489
Hours: 12:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Why not make Halloween feel like Christmas for this fashionably fettled feline and give her a home?

Miss Heather

Photo Credit: Lisacat


3 Comments on A Halloween Kitty Who Needs A Home

  1. vintagejames on Wed, 31st Oct 2007 9:07 am
  2. Antonia is a true beauty with a fantastic alien face. But I already have a black male kitty, Hamlet, who is about the same age with the same face. Maybe they are related. He adopted us at the North Shore Animal League and we cherish him. Someone should snap her up.

  3. ntodd on Wed, 31st Oct 2007 9:29 am
  4. Miss Heather,

    Thanks for posting this, my girlfriend and I have an appointment with BARC to meet Antonia later today. If we can get there before they close, so possibly tomorrow. She looks very sweet, and I think we will be able to adopt her.

    It occurred to me after I called that I may adopt a black cat on Halloween! I’m not superstitious at all. I sort of believe, that which everyone sees as bad luck is actually the opposite, good luck. I lived on 13th street for many years.


  5. missheather on Wed, 31st Oct 2007 1:14 pm
  6. ntodd: Good Luck! Shoot me an email or comment and let me know how it goes. If Miss Antonia chooses to move in with you guys, I might demand visitation rights. She’s absolutely stunning.

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