When Advertecture Attacks: 72 Norman Avenue

October 15, 2007 by
Filed under: Area 51 

72 Nassau Avenue

Yesterday I was reminded that I had yet to write a post about a new(ish) restaurant I recently discovered in Greenpoint. It is called Onyx and is located at 278 Nassau Avenue. Never heard of it you say? Too bad. If you had it might mean this hideous piece of (illegal?) advertising at 72 Norman Avenue is effective.

Onyx Welcomes You

Wow, they even have a party room. How nice! Sadly, the same cannot be said about turning a piece of residential property (on an otherwise quaint block) into a billboard.

I wonder how much money the owner of this house received for hanging this turd? As you can probably imagine, one of this chap’s neighbors took issue with this sign and reported to the Department of Buildings. That was October 10, 2007. I took the above photo October 14, 2007. Per the Department of Building’s web site, this complaint was assigned to the “Special Investigative Team” —also known as S.P.I.T.— October 11, 2007. I am not making this shit up.

Anyone want to hazard a guess how long it will take before the Department of Buildings to order this eyesore taken down?

Miss Heather


4 Comments on When Advertecture Attacks: 72 Norman Avenue

  1. ThatDork on Mon, 15th Oct 2007 4:09 am
  2. how about a restaurant review for this lovely establishment? i’m hungry.

  3. Rebecca11222 on Mon, 15th Oct 2007 9:40 am
  4. As Dog-Shit Queen, you should be informed that a very large dog lives at 72 Norman. He is let outside to poop (inside the gate). The owners take their sweet time cleaning up his gifts.


    (too much caffeine today)

  5. Rebecca11222 on Mon, 15th Oct 2007 10:09 pm
  6. PS: the dog’s name is Toby. Poor guy.

  7. Spanky on Thu, 18th Oct 2007 8:17 am
  8. I say it will be down by my birthday, November 10th.

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