Catcall Site Du Jour: 240 Richardson Street

July 31, 2007 by
Filed under: Area 51 

It gives me great pleasure to showcase the first submission to my Catcall project: 240 Richardson Street!

240 Richardson Street

Lisacat writes:

This Scarano POS building is on Richardson St. where Monitor ends (240 Richardson Street — Ed. Note). It’s also kitty-corner to the entrance of St. Cecilia’s Catholic School. When the building was just going up, the workers would leer from the upper floors and make those animal noises at the girls in their uniforms. It was perverse and disgusting. These were not Britney Spears wannabes but K-12 kids trying to get to class or go home. This is also the site where I got some photos of the workers throwing trash with abandon from the windows to the dumpster below…

Trashing Throwing

and where they maintained the sidewalk like this.

Quality Work By…

I think I’m done for now…

This morning I did a little snooping around the Department of Building’s Building Information System. Needless to say I found it hardly surprising when I found a complaint regarding:



Miss Heather


2 Comments on Catcall Site Du Jour: 240 Richardson Street

  1. guest on Tue, 31st Jul 2007 1:06 pm
  2. you should really send the pics of flying trash to the DoB. and also file complaints for the litter. and everything else you can think of. maybe call the police for harassing behavior. it might take a bit of your time but if you insist the police have to fill out a report.

    the problem with this web approach is that the loop isn’t tight enough: the negative consequences are too far removed from the negative behavior. you have to rub the dog’s nose in its shit on the living room floor as soon as it happens.

    go up to the site super, tell him your pissed, and that you’re going to call DoB and whoever else you can think for about any little thing you can find (or make up.)

  3. missheather on Tue, 31st Jul 2007 1:10 pm
  4. You have an excellent point. It has been my experience that sending such photos to the Boro President’s office and/or to your local Rep (in this case, Joseph Lentol) is effective as well.

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