Late night ego surfing is a very dangerous thing

June 12, 2007 by
Filed under: Area 51 

Report about Tuessday May 29 (Week 2, day 5) part 1

…After this Mistress gave me another strange picture to edge to, this time it was the picture of a bitch bull mastiff (a dog). At first i couldn’t get anything done either, but after trying really hard i managed to edge to it. When i informed Mistress Andrea she had me tell everybody what i had edged to.

Now Minx linked me a picture to edge to, it was a picture of a pile of shit. I tried to do as told, but this imaged was such a turn off that i couldn’t do it. When i informed Minx of my failure she was upset about it, but gave me another picture to use.

This was another gross picture (Warning, this is a seriously nasty picture. —Ed. Note) but i didn’t want to upset Minx again. So i tried real hard and finally i seemed to get something done. i don’t know how i managed, but i managed to edge to it. After this edge Mistress Andrea gave me one last picture to edge to. This was a picture of a bound woman who was tied upside down on a chair while getting caned upon her feet. This was a nice picture to use. After this she gave me my instructions for the rest of the day:

1. Post my reports.
2. Make an apology to Minx
3. Take the box of tampons i b(r)ought to work and leave them in sight in my car

You know you have really arrived when your web site gets this kind of publicity. I wonder if this has ever happened to Brownstoner? Maybe I should ask him. I do have to question this mistress’s credentials, though. If I was to select a poopy picture for the above purpose it would have been this one.

Miss Heather


One Comment on Late night ego surfing is a very dangerous thing

  1. Rebecca11222 on Tue, 12th Jun 2007 6:44 pm
  2. seriously: WTF? ewwwwwwwwwwwwww!

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