Queens Photos Du Jour: For Sale

June 18, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11377, Bloomblight, Woodside, Woodside Queens, Wow, WTF 

Barbie 600

first floor

Curb appeal

“Curb appeal”: this place has the exact opposite of it. If anyone is seeking a “fixer upper”— with a Branch Davidian post ATF je nais sais quoi— your home awaits on Roosevelt Avenue. Bring your own crime scene tape. God, I hope no one died here. I’d say Ms. Li has a challenge on her hands. Snazzy suit notwithstanding, mind you…

New York Shitty Photo Du Jour: Taxonomy

June 18, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11377, The Word On The Street, Woodside, Woodside Queens 


Taken June 18, 2014.

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Abdul

September 28, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11377, Jackson Heights, Jackson Heights Queens, Woodside, Woodside Queens 

Islam in New York: Abdul in Woodside

Taken by Carnade.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Photo Du Jour: “Hollywood” Via Queens

September 27, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11377, Jackson Heights, Jackson Heights Queens, Woodside, Woodside Queens 

This vision hails, appropriately enough, from Broadway. Those of you who want to see your name (among other things) in lights, here’s your golden opportunity. My advice: get the money— cash only— upfront.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: From Greenpoint To Greenport

October 25, 2009 ·
Filed under: Long Island, Queens 

Going Home 1NYS

Today yours truly took a much-needed day of R&R outside the confines of New York Shitty. Our destination: Greenport. Aside from being located on Long Island and having “green” in its name this burgh has little in common with the place I call home. The change of scenery was— truth be told— rather nice.

Greenport is nice. This is perhaps why I got the hairy eyeball from a mother and her child in the ladies room at a restaurant there. What constitutes “Greenpoint casual” (an ensemble comprised of camouflage pants, Mao hat atop multi-hued hair, a hoodie and a tank top commemorating the 2009 Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel) was clearly a source of curiousity to them. So it goes. Follows is a mini slide show of highlights from my trip. Enjoy!

On that note, dear readers, I’m off to retire for the evening. I’ve had a LONG day.

Miss Heather

Queens Photos Du Jour: Sunnyside Shots

March 6, 2009 ·
Filed under: Queens, Sunnyside 

My pilgrimage to Sunnyside for delish Mexican food earlier this week might have ended in failure*, but you know what they say about life: it isn’t about the destination it’s about how you get there. Courtesy of rush hour gridlock and some on the worst drivers this fine city has to offer I had plenty of time on my hands while riding the B24. After noticing the evening sun was bathing everything in sight in a gorgeous fiery hue I decided to while away the time by taking a few pictures. I have entitled this set of photographs Sunnyside Shots. Yes, I am aware some of these images do not hail from this neighborhood per se— but I like the sound of this title and I am sticking with it. Besides, its all about the pictures anyway. Enjoy!


A little Bronx on Greenpoint Avenue in Queens.


Calvary Cemetary.


I love the crazy reflections in this one.


Those of you who are in the know can attest that this building (which is located on Greenpoint Avenue) is one very ugly one indeed. Somehow I managed to make it look nice. No worries, I’ll run it on Fedders Friday soon enough!


I finally got around to taking a photograph of this Greek Orthodox Church (which I love) after getting off the bus.


Empire State.


And that’s all she wrote!

Miss Heather

*Sort of: we went to Arriba Arriba on Queens Boulevard. It was pretty tasty. Enough so I would go back.

Woodside Photos du Jour: 61st Street

November 30, 2008 ·
Filed under: Queens 

These photographs hail from the 61st Street stop of the 7 train. While the Mister and I were waiting for the local (to take us to Jackson Heights) I became enamored of the lamp posts at this station. Since I had plenty of time on my hands I shot some snaps of them. Enjoy!

Miss Heather

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