THIS WEEKEND: Book Drive Social


This item comes courtesy of a very nice lady named Christa. She writes:

Dear Heather,

The recession has affected nearly all New Yorkers in a variety of ways, but one of the groups hardest hit has been the New York City public schools.  Already under significant financial strain, now operating budgets in many schools have been drastically reduced as students, teachers and parents find themselves trying to do more with far less.  Everyone agrees that educating our public school students is important, but with everyone feeling the economic pinch, how can the average New Yorker make a difference?

This is where Book Drive Social comes in.  Hosted by TheMusic.FM and Quailhead Designs this Sunday, September 13 at 6:00pm, Book Drive Social has been organized to allow New Yorkers help public schools in Brooklyn; in many cases, without even donating money. Most twenty-somethings still have young adult literature (YAL) from their youth lying around somewhere; books cherished but no longer read can be brought to Book Drive Social to be redistributed to public schools in Brooklyn.  But not to worry – if you just can’t part with your copy of The Outsiders, you can still join Book Drive Social for a mere $8!  This small donation is admission to the event featuring music spun by ddpesh, readings by local authors, an open mic, and food and drink specials.  This recession buster is a way for people to make a difference without breaking the bank.  ALL PROCEEDS go to Mott Hall IV Middle School in Ocean-Hill/Brownsville…

In the clarity that is 30-something hindsight I have come to realize that I was provided a very enviable upbringing; not only did the public schools I attended sport well- appointed libraries, but my parents were in a position financially to provide me pretty much and and all reading material I desired. Many would (rightfully) call this a “privileged” childhood. It shouldn’t be: all children— regardless of race, creed and socio-economic status— should experience the joy of reading a good book. This is their right and I believe it is our responsibility as a society to give it to them. In this respect (and many others) we have failed our youth miserably.

If you have some books (and/or bucks) to spare, please swing by the Book Drive Social this Sunday and give the gift that keeps on giving. Not only will you feel good later (and partake of some tunes) but you’ll be helping a great cause!

Book Drive Social
Sunday, September 13 starting at 6:00 p.m.
The Lovin’ Cup Cafe
93 North 6 Street
Brooklyn, New York 11211

Now if you don’t mind I’m off to scrounge up my copy of Catcher In The Rye

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Gentrification?!?


Interesting things happen when I stay up late. Mind you, they are not usually good things. But this case may very well be an exception: in the wee hours of the morning today the following found its way into my inbox.

Anni Atkinson of (Yes kids, that’s Australia) writes:

have you ever heard of GENTRIFICATION?

well, not many people have which is surprising as it effects us all.

so, I am attempting to do something about this! well, me and the team at Earthsharing Australia! I work with a not-for-profit called Earthsharing that offers free education services on economics and we focus on economic justice for all.

Currently we are working on an international film competition with the theme of ‘Gentrification’ which looks at issues of gentrification and how such cycles effect creative communities and artists in our cities. First Prize is $3000, with runner up prizes from Madman and Crumpler.

your blog is rad and we would be honored if you could throw a little love our way and mention the film competition to your readers!

Please contact me for more details including a press release or an e-flyer.

In the mean time, check out our website for more details!

The first line of this email made me erupt into fits of uncontrollable (and demented) laughter. Have I heard of gentrification? Feeling more than a little raffish, I wrote back:

You are asking  ME, a resident of Greenpoint, Brooklyn, USA (which is located pretty much halfway around the globe from you), to inform my readership about film competition about  GENTRIFICATION?!? Greenpoint: a neighborhood where a “luxury” condos proliferate in the shadow of the east coast’s largest WASTE TREATMENT PLANT? Where environmental issues the likes of which you cannot begin to comprehend remain unabated. And yet artists are being pushed out because there are people willing to dole out $2,000+ USD rent for a one bedroom/studio for this?

Give me the fuggin’ flier, your creds and press release— STAT.

Well, she did.


I’ve done some poking around and this contest is 100% legit. Let’s show our friends down under how our fair city treats the creative community and everyone else who cannot a condo or $2,000 a month rent? You can get the 411 on how to enter this contest by checking out Earthsharing’s web site or by emailing them at: timmah (at) earthsharing (dot) org (dot) au

NOTE: they are currently requiring that entries be mails. I have suggested they accept submissions via YouTube as mailing matter overseas can be both costly and dicey. They are looking into it.

Otherwise, you can play the Gentrification Game by clicking here. Simply put you are a landlord/speculator and your goal is to kick out tenants. Play it. It’s a fucking HOOT!

Miss Heather

P.S.: Earthsharing also has a number of interesting videos on YouTube. Check ’em out. You’ll find the tales contained therein eerily familiar.

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Endorsements?


Although I am trying to do what everyone does on Labor Day (absolutely nothing) I feel compelled to pass along this item from frequent contributor and New York Shitty reader: Tony of Kent Street. He writes:

Hello Miss Heather…

I was thinking about who I plan to vote for in the upcoming elections and had the idea that, like other news organizations, you should post the NewYorkShitty political endorsements prior to the election.

I know to the New York Post you’re just a blog, but to a lot of us, you are the voice of reason with a ton more knowledge of local politicians than many of us.

I think it may be a real service to your readers and in turn you may get others to vote for the right people for the job.

What do you say? Maybe attach a pdf to print out and bring with you to the polling place.

This is the second such inquiry I have received in as many weeks.

I have made my feelings known here and there and left it at that. I do not relish the notion of giving endorsements to anyone. I find the practice (even by so-called “respectable” publications as the New York Times) rather silly— and presumptuous. You shouldn’t let someone else do your thinking for you.

My primary concern— or bone of contention— (aside from being of the distinct impression that Williamsburg and Greenpoint have no business whatsoever belonging to the same City Council district as Brooklyn Heights, Park Slope and DUMBO*) is the sad reality that voter turn-out in north Brooklyn is abysmal. No amount of log-tossing and passing the buck (and believe you me, I have seen a lot of this lately— those of you who belong to the Community Board 1 Yahoo Group can attest to this) is going to change this fact. We, as a community, are now reaping the fruits of our apathy. To put it another way: I am more interested that people here vote at all. Who they vote for is a matter to reconcile with their own conscience.

The previous (and rather lengthy) caveat having been written, I am— reluctantly— going to solicit questions regarding the upcoming election (and its candidates) from you: the readers. These can be tendered via email at:

missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com

I’ll be accepting questions through Wednesday. From there I will do one of two things:

  1. Write a post giving my take on them. I will be as forthright and honest as can be expected about my position/bias.
  2. Compose an email (with my take) which will be sent to all who have asked questions. I will compose one answer and send it out individually so as to respect everyone’s privacy.
  3. Either way, I will also provide a list of resources you can peruse in order to make an informed decision.

As I have intimated previously in this post: no one should be entrusted to make your voting decisions except you. I will give my two cents— but please be a smart consumer and do your own research. Above all: VOTE!

Miss Heather

*Seriously. If there is to be a bi-borough district Williamsburg and Greenpoint should be in it.

Map Credits: Gotham Gazette

Happy Labor Day From New York Shitty!

The sun’s out, the weather is pleasantly mild. I cannot think of a better place to while away this Labor Day than a nice walk along the Greenpoint’s waterfront.


(Java Street)



(Kent Avenue)

Or not. A half-eaten sandwich and a dead rat covered with flies are but a fraction of the delights which await you if you decide to visit Greenpoint’s waterfront.


Is it detritus you seek? Kent Avenue has it in spades!


But if you’re looking for a little Greenpoint greenery you’ll be hard-pressed to find it anywhere else.


Who needs parks when we have this?


Although a discarded styrofoam cup sort of defeats the message. You know, after all this walking and tea quaffing I need to go to the bathroom. Methinks I will head over to Kent Street.


It looks like they have locked up the Econoheads. Damn.


Oh wait, here’s a toilet…


and it is even appointed with a sink— very nice! On August 13, 2009 The Brooklyn Paper published an article entitled “Gates of Wrath”. Follow are a couple of quotes from this tome.

Greenpoint continues to have virtually no access to its waterfront and [proposed] parks are still years away from completion… These street ends, once fully open, accessible, and clean, will provide the community with three desperately needed waterfront havens. — David Yassky, City Councilman* for the 33rd District & Candidate For City Comptroller


“It might just be a crumbling street end, but people are eager to get down there and be by the water. — Stephanie Thayer, Parks Employee and Executive Director For Open Space Alliance North Brooklyn.


Only the best for Greenpoint.

Miss Heather

P.S.: To see some late summer rodent love— East Village style— click here. Trust me: it’s worth it.

*Who has been in office since 2001 and is just now “noticing” what anyone who has lived here for a year knows all too well. Way to go, Sherlock-fucking-Holmes.

Williamsburg Photos Du Jour: Feel Good Sunday Edition

September 6, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11211, Street Art, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 


Taken September 2, 2009


Taken September 5, 2009

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Starter: Works Every Time

September 6, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11211, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 


From Wythe Avenue.

Miss Hetaher

Williamsburg Street Art Du Jour: Devoe Street


This post is dedicated to Mister Heather— who not only identified the airplane in question as a B-52* but humored me when I stopped to take this photograph while we were walking home. He was grumpy because he didn’t get dessert.

Miss Heather

*Because he is a colossal dork. My dork.

Williamsburg Photo Du Jour: Graham Avenue After Dark


328 Graham Avenue; September 4, 2009.

Miss Heather

P.S.: Although I thought black and white was better, here’s the above photograph in living color.


TODAY: Stoop Sale Selections

For those of you who are staying home this holiday weekend (and want to do a little shopping on the cheap) here are a few stoop sales to consider.

150 Milton Street


Although the prospect of parsing through used (?) bathing suits skeeves me out to no end books and CDs are always on my shopping list. Especially if they’re cheap!

Yard Sale #1
September 5 & 6, 2009 from 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
150 Milton Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

208 Huron Street


This one is for early risers only. Given that the wares advertised are for (small) children those of you who might be interested will probably be up and about anyway.

Yard Sale #2
September 5 from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
208 Huron Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

And last— but hardly least— today is the last day of this loft sale in Williamsburg.


Happy bargain hunting!

Miss Heather

LAST GASP: Marketing To MILFs?


I found this on Graham Avenue as I was headed to Barosa‘s to meet a friend for dinner. Other than that I honestly do not know what to say.

Miss Heather

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