Mark Your Calendars: Community Board 1 Public Safety Committee Meeting

It is interesting to note that after this agenda was circulated, Ryan Kuonen (who, it should be noted, in addition to being a member of NAG is also a member of Community Board 1) offered a clarification regarding agenda item #2:

…Item #2 will (technically) be a briefing on Weekend Walks events in CB#1, including both Williamsburg Walks and Grand Street Weekend Walks by Ryan Kuonen- NAG [Neighbors Allied for Good Growth] & Artineh Havan – Grand Street Business Improvement District


Community Board 1 Public Safety Committee Meeting
Tuesday, May 1, starting at 6:30 p.m. (NOTE: you must sign in by 6:15 p.m.) in order to speak
Community Board 1 Main Office
435 Graham Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211


THIS WEEKEND: Homemade Brooklyn & More

This item was brought to my attention by the immensely talented folks at Greenpoint’s very own Clay Space. Starting today they, along with a number of other Brooklyn artists and performers, will be strutting their stuff at Homemade: Brooklyn; “a weekend long pop-up event”. Sponsored by The Shiny Squirrel, free films, performances, workshops and music are also promised. Check it out!

Homemade: Brooklyn
June 25 – 27, 2010; 11:00 a.m. – “late”
“Metropolitan Green
439 Metropolitan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211

In closing, it should be noted that this is part of Williamsburg Walks which commences tomorrow and runs through Sunday! You can get the full rundown about this year’s Williamsburg Walks (including a list of activities) by clicking here.

Miss Heather

P.S.: I feel compelled to give people a warning/caveat about Metropolitan Green. Last weekend I attempted to patronize their facilities.

I checked the hours this “comfort station” was purported to be open. It looked encouraging enough. But alas it was not to be.

As of the time I visited (10:21 a.m.) It was locked. My advice: be prepared to contend with the “Comfort Station” at McCarren or do what I do. Take your “business” to the W.E. Sheridan Playground instead.

Reader Contribution Du Jour: Scenes From Williamsburg Walks

July 12, 2009 ·
Filed under: Street Art, Street Furniture, Williamsburg 

I’ll be perfectly honest: although I like the principle underlying Williamsburg Walks the reality is another matter altogether. I learned this the first and only time I went (last year). Too many people (and overflowing garbagecans ) for my taste. However, New York Shitty reader and frequent contributor Tony braved Bedford Avenue and sent me a number of wonderful photographs from yesterday’s festivities. The following are but only a fraction of them. Enjoy!

willywalks  twister

willywalks blue lady2

willywalks chillin

willywalks crazy guy1

willywalks hipstercloseup

willywalks homu1

willywalks homu2

willywalks kiddo

willywalks razor&strut

willywalks wga girls

willywalks string lady3

willywalks string lady4

willywalks broken dreams

Great captures, Tony!

Miss Heather

Vollies Needed For Williamsburg Walks

June 4, 2009 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 


As many of you are probably already aware this upcoming weekend kicks off “Williamsburg Walks”.  For those of you who are not in the know this means every Saturday through July 11th, from noon until sunset, Bedford Avenue will be closed to vehicular traffic from North 9th – North 4th Street. There will also be a great number of activities associated with this year’s event including, but not limited to, the Northside Music & Arts Festival. Needless to say an endeavor of this scope needs volunteers. This is where you come in. You can help the folks at Neighbors Allied for Good Growth and L Magazine to ensure this year’s event is a success by donating “street furniture” or some of your time. To learn more about how you can lend a hand contact the event’s organizer, Gregor Nemitz-Ziadie via email at:

g (dot) nemitzziadie (at) gmail (dot) com

or point and click your way to’s “volunteer” page.


Miss Heather

Image Credits: NAG

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