Williamsburg Photos Du Jour: Graham Avenue Selections
Taken May 29, 2012.
New York Shitty Day Ender: 373 Graham Avenue, Revisited
If any of you, gentle readers, have ever wondered (as I often have) what— if any— rules, etiquette if you will, are in effect at our fair city’s detention centers— but never wanted to find out firsthand: I have excellent news!
If any of you, gentle readers, have wondered (as I often have) what rules, etiquette if you will, are in place in our fair city’s detention centers but do not want find out firsthand I have excellent news! Graham Avenue’s good friend “Joe” has seen fit to share literature from one of his excursions through our legal system. Without further ado, here are a few selections. Enjoy!
As always, you can peruse all the previous in larger format by clicking here.
In closing, I would like to share what predicated my visit to 373 Graham Avenue (AKA: “Spooky Hollow”). A fellow we’ll call “C” writes on May 28, 2012 in an email entitled “End of an Era”:
Spooky Hollow has collapsed into itself like a dying star. Sorry for the poor photo, but Joe seems to be telling the world that the building has been “sold”…
Or, maybe “sold the building” is a euphemism for “locked up in Rikers”?
Only time will tell, I suppose.* However, the bigger question on my mind is exactly WHO is maintaining the bat-shit crazy menagerie of crap in front of his non-property in the meantime. Anyone?
Image Credits: New York City Department of Corrections screencap comes courtesy of 373 Scam Ave.
*Although it should be noted another missive on the front door 373 Graham Avenue indicates all matters be taken up with N.C. Pepe Real Estate. Anyone care to make the call?
Williamsburg Photo Du Jour: From Graham Avenue With Love
Taken May 29, 2012.
SATURDAY: Garden Party At P.S. 84
A lady named Vivien writes:
Dear Heather,
I hope this finds you very well! I am a PTA parent from PS 84, a preK-5 elementary school in the heart of Williamsburg. We are organizing an amazing -GARDEN PARTY- event for all community kids and adults to come spend a lovely family day, get involved with crafts and learn more about the amazing changes & contributions of this neighborhood school. NYShitty would be so critical in getting the word out, is it possible for you to post…?
I will gladly do so here and now!
Your family is invited to the 2nd PS 84 ANNUAL GARDEN PARTY!
pig roast, live music, art and crafts, raffle, face painting, science show
Participate in planning for the community and school. Enjoy music, tons of kid’s activities and great food. Come see the PS 84 unveiling of our GREENHOUSE CLASSROOM plans for a state-of-the-art hydroponic laboratory classroom.
Date: Saturday June 2nd, 2012
Time: 11:00 -4:00 pm
Location: 250 Berry Street, PS 84 lower school play area: enter at the fences between the school and the public playground on Grand St. or South 1st St., between Berry and Wythe.
Bring the whole family to this unveiling and community party!
P.S.84 is pleased to announce a revolutionary new project that will have significant long-term benefits for our students and the community. Come join us for the unveiling of the plans for our 1,500 square foot Hydroponic Greenhouse Classroom on June 2nd, at our Annual Garden Party, from 11-4pm.
Not only will you be able to enjoy the music, food, crafts, and the pig roast, but you will have an opportunity to preview plans for this thrilling addition to our school – a prototype sustainable urban farm and environmental education center.
You will get a chance to see how students will learn major science concepts through hands-on activities, critical thinking, and by interaction with greenhouse technology.
Our Greenhouse Science Laboratory will be a classroom built around a 21st-century sustainable urban farm. In the greenhouse, children will grow food, while learning about nutrition, water resource management, efficient land use, biodiversity, conservation, pollution, waste management, and sustainable development. To facilitate this project-based learning environment, the PS 84 Greenhouse Classroom will also include hydroponic growing systems, a rainwater catchment system, aquaponics, a weather station and a vermi composting station, among other specialized greenhouse equipment. In addition to enhancing a school science curriculum, the greenhouse laboratory greatly enriches arts and social studies by connecting nature to culture. Students learn the relationship between humans and the environment.
Check it out!
New York Shitty Photo Du Jour: Help Keep New York City Clean
Taken today at the intersection of Berry and North 6 Street.
Williamsburg Photo Du Jour: Run
From North 6 Street.
New York Shitty Day Starter: I 8 NY
From Bedford Avenue.
Williamsburg Photo Du Jour: Wythe Avenue
Taken May 26, 2012.
New York Shitty Photo Du Jour: Kent Avenue
Taken May 26, 2012.
New York Shitty Street Art Du Jour: Havemeyer Street
Taken May 28, 2012.
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