The Word On The Street, Part I: The Brown Word
Filed under: 11211, 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, The Word On The Street, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
Frost Street
Nassau Avenue
South 4 Street
The Word On The Street: Everyone’s A Critic
Taken August 13, 2012.
Williamsburg Photo Du Jour: River Street
Taken August 13, 2012.
New York Shitty Day Ender: Urban Artifacts
Filed under: 11211, 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Urban Artifact, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
Nassau Avenue
First go the Dr. Schols.
Berry Street
The pants shortly follow. Note the super-sized styrofoam cup with vestiges of some kind of alcoholic concoction at top. You know how the adage goes, ladies:
Candy is dandy but liquor is quicker!
CASE IN POINT: it looks like this leopard lost her spots!
South 4 Street
“Customer Receipt.”
(All photos taken August 13, 2012.)
The Word On The Street, Part II: Grand Street
Taken August 13, 2012.
New York Shitty Photo Du Jour: Call-A-Head
Filed under: 11211, 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
From McCarren Park.
Williamsburg Street Art Du Jour: The Never (Ending Story)
From Roebling Street.
New York Shitty Street Art Du Jour: Special Existentialist Edition
From Wythe Avenue.
Four Accidents In As Many Weeks?
Filed under: 11211, 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
If what I have heard (via the North Brooklyn Community Facebook Group) this appears to be the case. Apparently a young man (purported to be of 16 years of age) riding a bicycle was struck by a livery cab at the intersection of Graham Avenue and Bayard Street (as indicated by the number “4” on the above map) around 11:00 p.m. The Fire Department and EMTs were on the scene immediately and he wqas taken to the hospital. As of 11:30 p.m. the police had yet to arrive.
This is all I know presently. However, I have inquired of the Head of the 94th Precinct as to exactly what happened— if this youth is okay (given the circumstances— and this is my primary concern). When I hear something, I’ll add it here. In closing this makes four accidents in a very small area in as many weeks. Three involved livery cabs. Three involved Graham Avenue. (You can read about the other three accidents as annotated on the above map by clicking here, here and here.) WTF??? Seriously.
New York Shitty Day Starter: Au Contraire!
Filed under: 11211, 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
As some of you might recall, I posted the above letter a couple days ago. In it Mr. Olechowski asserts that he had a leadership role in the fighting the TGE power plant here some time ago. Simply put, gentle readers, this does not “jibe” with my understanding of how things went down. Wishing to get the skinny on exactly what Mr. Oelchowski’s role was in the fight against the power plant, I decided to post his tome on a few listserves. The responses were almost immediate. The following comes from a very nice, very dedicated activist for our community: Kate Yourke. She has been kind enough to grant me permission to post it here. It pretty much speaks for itself. Enjoy!
Reading this campaign letter from Community Board #1 Chair Chris Olechowski, I am shocked to discover he claims to have “led a coalition to fight against a proposed power plant on the waterfront on the Bushwick Inlet.”
The only power plant proposed for the Bushwick Inlet was the 1100 MW Trans Gas Energy plant, which was opposed by a phenomenal, comprehensive coalition, known as the Greenpoint-Williamsburg Waterfront Task Force.
The work of organizing this coalition to oppose the TGE plant required the committed focus of a great many community members for over 2 years. From its inception, I served on both the Steering Committee and the Outreach Committee of the GWWTF. I do not recall even meeting Chris Olechowski during this effort.
I also served taking notes and writing minutes for nearly all the GWWTF meetings. Reviewing my notes, the only references I see for Chris Olechowski are as described below.
An email establishing who would receive what level of information, dated 1/1/2002
categories are described as follows:
- “first-rung email list, based on ongoing involvement and responsiveness to decision-making”
- “people who have shown consistent involvement in the issues” and
- “General Task Force email list… (which) receive a monthly update”
Chris Olechowski’s name appears on the third category.
In Steering Committee minutes from 1/27/03 (the following year) the formal structure and committees were reviewed and finalized Chris Olechowski’s name does not appear.
The only places I could find reference to the participation of Chris Olechowski were in a list of targets for outreach, and as a potential volunteer.
The volunteer effort this struggle required was overwhelming. Those who made the commitment to see this fight to the end made tremendous sacrifices to prevent another environmental degradation of this community. I am OUTRAGED to find Chris Olechowski claiming to have “led” this effort.
I would like to salute those members of the GWWTF who did contribute their time, energy and intelligence to the successful defeat of the TGE power plant.
So there have you. I have requested copies of the above documentation from Ms. Yourke. These I should hopefully receive later today. When I do I will post them here. See gentle readers, politics can be fun! In closing (and in the interest of giving credit where it is due) Mr. Olechowski has (albeit fairly) recently spoken up on an issue with serious environmental ramification hereabouts: this being the proposed siting of an incinerator in our community. Skip to 5:52 and see for yourself. It took a little “help”, but Mr. Olechowski did manage to muster the word “incinerator”.
In addition to having a faulty memory it would appear this fellow is also afflicted with the opposite of charisma. But I suppose these qualities are considered to be “leadership caliber material” in some circles. In any case, if you thought watching this video was hard just imagine filming it. If anyone reading this tome is wondering to whom the unseen woman’s voice belongs who said “incinerator” before the Chairman of the Community Board did, it was yours truly. Yup.
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