New York Shitty Day Ender: And Now A Few More Words From Chris Olechowski
Filed under: 11211, 11222, Clinton Hill, Clinton Hill Brooklyn, Ft. Greene, Ft. Greene Brooklyn, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
(And his “friends”*)
Courtesy of a mailer sent to Chez Shitty!
How many folks do you recognize in the following group photo, 50th Assembly District Democrats?
Speaking as someone who calls Mrs. Klementovicz a neighbor (and a friend— the above footage of her being awesome hails from a meeting a few months ago. A meeting, I’ll note at which Mr. Olechowski was not present.) I really have to wonder if she is aware of the claims Mr. Olechowski has been making in terms of his role in the fight against the TGE plant. I doubt it.** In any case, I found the following endorsement fascinating:
I am proud to support Chris because he has always shown the extraodinary ability to bring our community together. — NYC City Councilmember Stephen Levin.
Behold Mr. Olechowski’s “community building” rhetoric for yourself.
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**As of today, August 22, she is. Here is a rundown of what happened:
…just came back from shopping on Manhattan Ave and Irene was strolling by, (For those that don’t know Irene was an activist from at least the 1970’s, she’s 83 now and was one of the leaders that eventually got the Greenpoint Incinerator shut down.) I told her the story that “some one”, leaving Chris’ name out, who was running for political office was taking credit for the TGE battle. She raised her eyebrows only as Irene can and at the end I told her it was Chris and her brows went up another notch. …she told me this story about supporting Chris. Chris approached her for support on environmental issues and Irene asked, “but what did you do?” Chris answered, “I supported you.” I’ll leave it at that…
So there have you.
*For example, this other mailer we received today.
Williamsburg Street Art Du Jour: PULL!
Taken August 21, 2012.
Williamsburg Photo Du Jour: Roebling Street
Taken August 19, 2012.
TONIGHT: A Drink To Linc
Filed under: 11211, 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
Here’s the 411 per this event’s Facebook page:
Lincoln is facing an exceptionally tough reelection race as State Committeeman / District Leader for Greenpoint, Williamsburg, and Fort Greene. Vito Lopez and the Brooklyn Democratic Machine are doing everything they can to defeat Lincoln on September 13, 2012.
He needs your help to raise the resources to get our message out and ensure that every independent minded person comes out to vote. We can win this race, but we can’t do it without your help.
Join us in the beautiful backroom at Bellwether in Williamsburg.
Suggested Contribution Levels:$25 – Fan$50 – Supporter
$100 – Ally
$250 – Partner
$500 – DiehardContribute online at or send check payable to Lincoln Restler for State Committee to 168 Engert Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11222
Special thanks to owners of Bellwether (and Calyer, Anella, Jimmy’s Diner) Blair Papagni and Josh Cohen!
Williamsburg Photos Du Jour: 373 Graham Avenue
Yes gentle readers, it would appear this is the latest “service” our Graham Avenue’s good friend has seen fit to offer the general public. My advice to any/all interested sun worshippers: you might want to take into consideration this fellow has chased someone with a chainsaw.*
*As it would happen, I had the dubious honor of pointing out this fact to a couple of ladies dancing with Joe earlier this summer. Follows is how I recounted it to a few of his beleaguered neighbors:
Hey, I thought you all would enjoy a little “fun” I had with Joe before (amusingly enough) this evening’s Public Safety Committee meeting.
I was quite hungry as it would happen my taco purveyor of choice is located one block away from 373 Graham Avenue. Well, “Joe” was in especially good form this evening. Not only did he have his music cranked up to some ungodly volume, but he was singing as well. Noting that the owner of the hardware store next door was sitting in a chair watching this shitshow unfold, I struck up a conversation with him. Very simply put, he is tired of his neighbor, has apparently brought this to Marie’s and Gerry’s attention repeatedly and has lodged a number of complaints. “Joe’s” response to all of this is that he is being harassed. That’s when I opined to my new friend:
Well, he does have a restraining order against him for chasing someone with a chainsaw so I suppose he would be an expert on harassment.
He found this really funny. Wanting to get food (because I was REALLY HUNGRY) I told this fellow we’d resume our conversation on my way back. I’m glad I did! On my way back “Joe” was out front dancing with not one but two 20-something women. The owner of the hardware found this as darkly amusing as I did. In fact, I told him:
If Joe goes inside I am going to tell these women about his affection for chainsaws.
Then by some act of divine providence, Joe’s CD player started malfunctioning. BADLY. So I skipped on over and very calmly/glibly (think like I was talking about the weather) said the following:
You know this guy has a restraining order against him for chasing someone with a chainsaw, yes?
Their initial response was to giggle like a couple 14 year olds. I said nothing more but gave them my “I am not joking” face. Not only did they stop laughing but they ran— RAN— as fast as they could around the corner. I was a couple doors away when Joe finally came back out. The look of confusion and disappointment on his face was priceless.
The Word On The Street, Part III: Sexpendable
From the Church Avenue-bound platform of the Crosstown Local at Metropolitan Avenue.
The Word On The Street, Part II: A North 7 Street PSA
Taken August 17, 2012.
The Word On The Street, Part III: Nice!
From North 1 Street.
Williamsburg Photo Du Jour: Eyes On The Street
From Kent Avenue.
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