New York Shitty Day Ender: Big Boss
Taken November 12, 2012.
New York Shitty Feral Furniture Watch: 32 Days & Counting!
Filed under: 11211, Feral Furniture, Street Furniture, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
Many of you have probably noticed my blogging has been sporadic of late. There are a couple of reasons for this:
- Yours truly is moving.
- Yours truly has been sick with whatever cold/sinus nastiness which has been inflicting folks hereabouts.
Today (after moving another salvo of shit stuff) I felt well enough to take a walk. I wanted to enjoy the pleasant weather. What’s more, I wanted to check in on my favorite al fresco living suite. Yes, I write of none other than the North 10th Street duet.
On November 4th I noted the chaise lounge to the right had moved a mite bit and given some valued-added in the way of a tag. Fascinating. So what did I see today, you ask?
My heart sank when I saw the boulder all by its lonesome self. But then I turned around and…
there they were!
Note how they are perfectly astride the building.
They appear to have acquired a hefty helping of guano as well. Why did the feral furniture cross the road? Beats the hell out of me. Those of you who are keeping count (and you know who you are) we’re at 32 days and counting!
To be continued…
The Word On The Street, Part II: A North 8 Street PSA
Taken November 12, 2012.
Williamsburg Street Art Du Jour: Enzo & Nio
Taken November 12, 2012.
The Word On The Street, Part I: Special Q & A Edition
Filed under: 11211, Culture War, The Word On The Street, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
Thought of the day: something I have become very aware of when I am out and about taking photos is the fact that my presence does have some impact on any/all human subjects I capture. Or to put it differently: all portraiture, be it deliberate or accidental, is colored by the interaction between photographer and subject.
So let’s take what happened when I was trying to take a photograph of a rather substantial construction fence I spied this afternoon. A 20-something fellow decided to wave his arms, shout:
Be sure you get me!!!
and generally be obnoxious. Would he have done this if I was, say, a 6’2″ 200 pound man? Probably not. He’d be afraid of having his ass kicked. Am I upset about this? No, not really. What this fellow didn’t know was what I was attempting to document. Had he known this I suspect he would have deported himself differently. I for one am glad he didn’t!
Williamsburg Photo Du Jour: Special Veterans Day Edition
From Bedford Avenue.
Williamsburg Photo Du Jour: Metropolitan Avenue
Taken November 6, 2012.
New York Shitty Video Du Jour: Metropolitan Avenue
Today yours truly, after a sleepless night, awoke to the realization she has a cold. Or maybe a sinus infection? Not that it really matters: both suck. BAD. Nonetheless, I drug my sorry self out to vote and upon:
- facing the option of listening to the Mister work from home (because there is neither G train service nor Ferry service) and
- realizing the bracing air was actually making my throbbing proboscis feel better, not worse I decided to take a walk.
And walk, I did. It was in Williamsburg I bore witness to something I felt worth documenting: a completely UNironic display of Southern rock:
Naturally, I had to being this to the attention of the Mister:
I just filmed a guy driving a truck, with all windows open, cranking Lynyrd Skynryd.
The Mister: In New York City?
Me: Yes. On Metropolitan Avenue in Williamsburg, no less. Granted, it was “Sweet Home Alabama”. If it had been Freebird I would have flashed my (excised) at him. For obvious reasons.
Truck drivin’ man, this post is dedicated to you!
Spotted At Havemeyer Street & Borinquen Place: LOST
If you have seen either of these fetching fellows (who hail from North 1 Street and Wythe Avenue), please say something to Julie or Rich. Thanks!
New York Shitty Photo Du Jour: Hope Street
Taken November 6, 2012.
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