The Word On The Street, Part III Special Jim Jones Edition
God only knows I have stumbled upon more than my fair share of fascinating missives while pounding North Brooklyn’s pavement. But this one (from North 1st Street between Kent and Wythe Avenue) takes the cake. Not only did I see fit to bring this item home, but I am seriously considering framing it— or possibly using it as the inspiration for some customized stationery (postcards perhaps?)— or both.
P.S.: Those of you who are not familiar with what “drinking the Kool Aid” means can get enlightened by clicking here.
Williamsburg Photo du Jour: Mother’s Day Edition
From Graham Avenue.
From The New York Shitty Inbox: Keep Off The Grass?
A person we’ll call “E” writes May 12, 2012:
Hey Heather. I wanted to pick your very informative brain to ask if you knew of any way to find out whether something that appears to be a public space is or not ? I’m talking in particular of the grassy areas just outside of the Brooklyn Flea/Smorgasburg. People are being told they cannot sit on the grass at all now. I was asked to move today, and when I asked when we would be able to, was told not at all over the summer. Its a ridiculous sight seeing literally hundreds of people sitting around d the edges of a lovely grassy area that’s out of bounds. Absurd. If you want to check it out, go to morrow during the flea…
Naturally I had to see this for myself so today I swung by to see what gives…
Aside from a mass demonstration of cognitive dissonance I didn’t see a problem.
Although I have put out “feelers” as to what is (or isn’t) going on here (and will update this post accordingly) if anyone has the 411 please share via comments or email at: missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com. Your identity will remain anonymous if you so desire. Thanks!
The Word On The Street: NYJEDI
From Grand Street.
Reader Contribution du Jour: Enzo & Nio
Taken by GianniM.
New York Shitty Day Ender: A Couple Community Meetings of Interest
Filed under: 11206, 11211, 11222, East Williamsburg, East Williamsburg Brooklyn, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
The ever-dedicated lady of our Community board’s Transportation Committee, Karen Nieves, has brought a couple of items to my attention. Items in which I suspect a number of my friends and neighbors will be interested. Without further ado, here they are— bike share enthusiasts and those who still have issues with the Nassau Avenue Reconstruction Project should pay special attention!
Transportation Committee Meeting
Transportation Committee Meeting
May 15, 2012 starting at 6:30 p.m. (NOTE: you have to sign in in order to speak)
Community Board 1 Office
435 Graham Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211
Nassau Avenue Construction Meeting 2.0
Nassau Avenue Construction Meeting
May 24, 2012 starting at 7:00 p.m.
Lutheran Church of the Messiah
129 Russell Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222
Spread the word!
The Word On The Street: A North 12 Street PSA
Taken May 11, 2012.
Southside Photo du Jour: So Says The Sheepman
From South 1 Street.
Williamsburg Street Art du Jour: Astrodub
From Metropolitan Avenue.
New York Shitty Day Ender: NO
From North 3 Street.
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