The Word On The Street, Part III: A West Street PSA

Taken April 27, 2012.

New York Shitty Street Seating Du Jour: West Street

Taken April 23, 2012.

Spotted On Kent Street: Kent St

April 17, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

It would appear instead of erecting “Kent Av” signs on each block of Kent Street (which while incompetent, would at least be consistent), the Department of Transportation got this corner correct!

They have been “fixed”! Mind you, the signs were (apparently) in need of replacing in the first place did their job quite well. Rather, this was (and is) a matter of typography, geography, bureaucracy and incompetence. Please excuse me if I am being redundant.

Greenpoint Photos du Jour: Vito Rises

It would appear our Community Board Chair’s run against Lincoln Restler for 50th District Democratic Male Leader has not gone unnoticed by some mischievous soul. Sadly (but not surprisingly) the flier gracing the corner of Green Street and Manhattan Avenue (as seen above) has since been removed.

No worries, someone has seen fit to carpet bomb the bejeezus out of West Street with them!

Go see for yourself, they’re a HOOT!

UPDATE, April 17th, 2012: This person has been VERY busy indeed!

Greenpoint Avenue between West and Franklin Street.

India Street between Franklin and West Street.

India at West Street.

Along the India Street Mural.

Entrance to the India Street Pier.


The Word On The Street: New York

From West Street.

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Caretakers Needed!

April 1, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

This comes courtesy of a lass named D. The caretaker of the fetching felines which grace India Street, Tori, needs help! She writes:

Needed one or two colony caretakers for a feral cat colony of seven cats for morning feedings near West Street. Saturday morning,  and one or two other mornings, to be fed at 830- 9 A.M. Caretaker provides food. All the cats are neutered/spayed and are delightful. Colony has several caretakers. Rewarding work. A brief training is available the first time;

Greenpoint Photo du Jour: Hey Ladies!

From West Street.

LAST GASP: Greenpoint Sunset

March 4, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Greenpoint @ West Sunset 3/3/2012

Taken by Will Star.

New York Shitty Day Ender: Bellocq Tea Atelier*

February 15, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Bellocq Tea Atelier, Greenpoint, 27 Jan 2012.

Taken by Gina Herold.

*Whose website can be seen here!

Spotted On West Street: Puppy Love

This morning yours truly woke up in a churlish mood. This was further exacerbated by a walk down West Street. It was there I noticed the subject of my Poo Corner Project, a ground-breaking experiment in behavior modification, had reverted back to his rather unpleasant habit of saturation bombing the sidewalk with dog shit. I decided action was necessary and to this end procured some supplies including but not limited to my usual war chest of sidewalk chalk and glitter; a piece of poster board and Conversation Hearts. I felt a Valentine’s Day theme was in order.

A stencil was made, glitter poured and the bag of confectionery goodness opened.

Noting the relevance of this one, I decided its placement on one of the showcased shits was crucial.

Pick me.

As I was completing my project a young man and woman stopped to look at my handiwork. They were quite amused and wanted to know what gives. I tendered a brief summary of the Poo Corner Project while pointing out the heart stating “puppy love”. To wit one of my new friends replied:

That’s what I am feeling right now.

and went on the explain he was a student at Baruch College and was soon to begin military service in the Marines. I told him the former was really laudable and the latter really sweet. In return he asked me for my phone number. Not wishing to hurt his feelings I let him down gently:

If was not married I’d gladly give it to you. Chicks who cover dog shit with glitter tend to go pretty fast.

Upon noticing I was ascribing a date to this dung he kindly offered the time from his cell phone: 2:16 p.m. I thanked him but added that I didn’t think it wasn’t necessary. However, we unanimously agreed this work of art needed a title. So I gave it one.

This one’s for you, Jamal!

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