Greenpoint Street Find Du Jour
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Stuff That Makes Miss Heather Happy
I have a saying, it goes as follows:
You take care of the community and the community will take care.
I have seen this demonstrated time and time again in the 11222. And today the Greenpoint Garbage Gods really delivered.

As I was running errands something caught the corner of my eye. I went in for a closer look.

It should go without saying I brought him (?) home. Mister Heather, despite being a professed atheist, is unnerved by my new friend. I assured him as things go:
I tend to have good working relationships with things which may otherwise want to rip your face off.
I am not sure this provided the solace he needed. However he did reach a level of grudging acceptance when I read to him what this item does:

As it would happen I do have a problem and it is my utmost desire that it GO AWAY. FOREVER. Best of all despite that party’s best efforts, I got photos too. Now if you all don’t mind it is time to get busy. Cheers!
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