Word Of The Day: Craftsmanship

November 28, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

For those of you who are wondering what caliber of workmanship $400,000 – $500,000 will purchase in Greenpoint nowadays the following images (taken of the Viridian on Thanksgiving Day) should prove to be quite illuminating.

The previous craptastic footage begs the following tantalizing question:

If these defects are clearly visible to passersby, what other latent defects does this development sport?

I suppose when one is paying for amenities like virtual golf, a gazing pool, rooftop cabanas (which I have been told have a splendid view of the shit tits) and a concierge such trivialities don’t really matter.

Miss Heather

Credits: Merriam Webster Online Dictionary

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