The Word On The Street: Big White Cock

August 17, 2015 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Dick Basketball Court Vincent V Abate Playground NYS

Big White Cock Basketball Court at Vincent V Abate Playground nys

Anyone who may be in search of one (and you know who you are) swing by the Vincent V. Abate Playground’s basketball court, which is where I found these delightful missives. In closing, during today’s sojourn of our parks/open spaces here in the 11222 I encountered much evidence of merry-making. A great deal of which was clearly not the handiwork of children

Quicklink & An Abate Playground Update


As the recent content of this site indicates, the conditions at Vincent V. Abate Playground have been a source of serious contention lately. In fact, the situation had gotten so bad my colleague, Miss Mousey Brown, documented it in person (one example of her findings can be seen above). She has also has taken the additional measure of creating a photo set dedicated exclusively to showcasing the manifold number of problems at this piece of public space. However, I did have some very good news to share: this situation was not gone unnoticed!

For starters, one of our local Polish papers (as seen above) has taken on the subject. This tome you can read via Google translate by clicking here (NOTE: You will need to scroll down a bit.). Secondly I have been assured by the head of the 94th Precinct, Deputy Inspector Hurson, that he is going to direct enforcement at Abate Playground. If the buzz I have heard this morning is any indication, he is keeping his word! A person we’ll call R writes:

I (walked) past the playground this am, no one was sleeping in the spray shower and I did see the police drive by at least 3 times in the 10 min I was there. I don’t however know if the playground was locked overnight.

Hey, it’s a start folks…

Miss Heather

Reader Contribution du Jour, Part II: Vincent V. Abate Playground


Miss Heather

P.S.: You can see the “X-rated” version by clicking here.

Reader Contribution du Jour: Vincent V. Abate Playground

A chap named Larry (who took the above photograph today at 2:00 p.m.) writes:

This sexy young thing was drinking a PBR at 8am today then he advanced to this by 2pm. Hasn’t moved from this spot in 6hrs!!


Miss Heather

A Vincent V. Abate Playground Update: Still There!

August 16, 2011

August 17, 2011

It would appear the Abate poo pile (replete with asswipe!) has proven problematic to one playground user. Whoops.

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part III: What’s That Smell?

This vision (which hails from the Vincent Abate Playground) comes courtesy of a chap we’ll call G. He writes (in an email entitled “Polish Drinking Garden”):

Somehow, the PDG has migrated to the McCarren park playground right behind the kids swings. Delightful.
There are three in this photo.

To quote the kids: Why do the swings smell like throw-up?

And that’s my daughter in the photo so you have my permission to run it.

Nice. Really nice.

UPDATE, 6:38 p.m.: Here’s another view courtesy of another angry playground patron!

And of course, there’s this.

The woman who took the above photograph opines:

This lovely pile of feces has been sitting on the playground next to the equipment for at least 2 days. No one has cleaned it up, I wonder how many of our kids have been exposed to Hepatitis just today. And year after year we can not figure out how to lock the playground at night. So Sad!

UPDATE, 7:55 p.m.: (Yet another) park-goer has taken notice of the situation and has news to relay!

One of them rolled over, confirming that he is alive.

I suppose if there is bird-watching and train-spotting, why not have a CPI (Chronic Public Inebriate) safari as well? Like most emerging hot trends it is clearly the rage at McCarren Park!

Miss Heather

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