From The New York Shitty Inbox: A Vet In Greenpoint?

March 31, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Mike C. writes:

Miss Heather,

This must have sprung up near overnight because I haven’t noticed it all. There’s a new vet opening on nassau and eckford. Maybe you reported on this and I haven’t seen the post, but they are in the phase where the IT guy is involved (he’s who I spoke to there) so they must be pretty far along.

Needless to say I headed down today without delay.

Sure enough, it would appear the Garden Spot is slated to get a veterinarian’s office! I asked the gentleman working atop the scaffolding is he had any idea as to when this establishment was going to open. He said he didn’t know. Given what I saw on the ground floor, I’d say soon.

What’s more, Greenpoint Veterinary Hospital is conveniently located off the Nassau Avenue stop of the G train and the B48 bus! But let’s defer to the experts: the hardworking chaps from National Grid working across the street. They took a keen interest in my keen interest in this establishment. After I offered to take their portrait (because they offered to take mine) we got down to brass tacks.

Me: As far as I know Greenpoint doesn’t have a veterinarian. People have to go to Long Island City or Williamsburg. This is a big deal.
National Grid Dude (talking to one of his comrades): You know, now that I think of it, I haven’t seen a veterinarian office here.
Me: It’s conveniently located near the G train and the B48 bus to boot!
N.G.B.: This is a good location. Smart move on their part.
Me: I’m going to alert my readers to this. I write a blog about north Brooklyn and I’m always getting asked about veterinarians in Greenpoint.
N.G.B.: You write a blog? Cool.
Me: Thanks. By the way, if you haven’t tried Kestane Kebab just down the street, you should. It’s very tasty.

Greenpoint Veterinary Hospital
Opening Date: t.b.d.
111 Nassau Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

(347) 529-4345

I am pleased to report the National Grid guys have tried Kestane Kebab and found their fare tasty. I advised them to try the lentil soup next time. They promised they would. To be continued?

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Five Men & a Little Lady

Jim (who sent me the image to the left) writes:

We have a stray cat who has meandered her way into our(5 dudes in a loft) hearts…… She appeared over the summer looking for our inside cat-acknowledging us only with a vicious hiss and running away. A little love and affection later, she now lets us pick her up, purrs on our laps, makes us go “Aaaaawwwww”……

We want to bring her in, but need to get her fixed, get her shots, etc. Wondering if you have a place in the GP area where we could bring her to get that done at a reasonable price? The ASPCA van isn’t coming around this area too soon. Much appreciated and i love the blog-your the best!

If there’s one thing yours truly has a soft spot for it is men who like cats— and who couldn’t help but love this adorable lass? Here are a few thoughts off the top of my head:

  1. I recall the Toby Project occasionally provides affordable spay and neuter services in Brooklyn. I have checked their calendar and the next time they will be remotely near Greenpoint  is January 27. On this day they will be in Bedford Stuyvesant.
  2. Speaking for myself, my husband and I go to Northside Veterinary Clinic. I’ll be upfront: people tend to either really like Drs. Leiman and Eisner or can’t stand them. We have had positive experiences with them. I would also like to add that I recently accompanied a friend of mine who had rescued a kitten there for a “check up”. She was very happy and Dr. Eisner, knowing that “Peanut” was a rescue, gave her a 20% discount off the cost of all the tests, etc. I am certain it was still not very cheap, but the cost split five ways might be do-able for youse guys.

On that note, I am going to solicit thoughts/advice from my readers. If you have any advice for Jim please leave them in the comments. Thanks!

Congratulations Jim! Gasolina is a cutie!

Miss Heather

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