The Word On The Street: Big White Cock

August 17, 2015 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Dick Basketball Court Vincent V Abate Playground NYS

Big White Cock Basketball Court at Vincent V Abate Playground nys

Anyone who may be in search of one (and you know who you are) swing by the Vincent V. Abate Playground’s basketball court, which is where I found these delightful missives. In closing, during today’s sojourn of our parks/open spaces here in the 11222 I encountered much evidence of merry-making. A great deal of which was clearly not the handiwork of children

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Vandalism At McGolrick Park?

photo 1


It would appear someone sporting the initials “J.J.” (this fellow was kind enough to sign his “work”) has seen fit  to make a few modifications to the much-beloved Ericsson memorial at McGolrick Park. These modifications being as follows: dumping a shitload of paint on it. I have received word 94th is on the scene.

UPDATE, 1:40 p.m.: I have received some very good news! Not only is the 94th canvassing door-to-door in the hope someone will have a tip as to who is responsible for this, but the paint is being removed! The perp used acrylic paint which is not only easier to remove, but the patina should not be disturbed.

Photo/Video Credits: BIG props/shout-out of New York Shitty gratitude go out to Brooklyn Imbecile.

LAST GASP: Live From The 94th Precinct Community Council Meeting

Tonight’s proceedings were short and sweet. However, there were plenty of items of interest and naturally I shot footage. Without further ado, here it is along with a little commentary.


  • A general run-down of the previous month’s meeting is given.
  • Attendees are made aware of the City’s Community Liaison’s web site.
  • The first guest speaker of the evening is announced: Dennis Gagan of the Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office.
  • When asked if crime is up or down he says down.
  • Phyllis (a 94th Community Council institution) disagrees and quotes Winston Churchill.
  • Mr. Gagan then proceeds to outline a stringent jail-time versus drug treatment program.
  • One Greenpointer mentions that a regular offender seems to be in and out of jail for drug-related crimes on a regular basis and asks what he should do if he catches this chap breaking into his car. The following discussion elicits dark laughter from the audience. D. I. Hurson steps in.

PART II: Tim Duffy, the LGBT Liaison for the NYPD introduces himself and D. I. Hurson gives a rundown of crime statistics.

  • Any and all interested parties can get Mr. Duffy’s contact information by clicking here.
  • Here’s the skinny per D. I. Hurson:
    1. Narcotics arrests were up 50%
    2. Traffic-related citations were up 25%
    3. Overall crime was down 4% HOWEVER:
    4. Robberies were up.
    5. Domestic violence was up.
    6. Car break-ins— especially on the “Northside” (specifically between North 4 and North 7 Street)— were up.
    7. In regards to last month’s bank robbery at HSBC: the perpetrators were arrested.
    8. The hate crime which occurred at North 4 Street and Wythe Avenue has yet to be solved.
    9. There was an arrest regarding the shooting.

PART III: Community Board 1 Member Tom Burrows Speaks and the Q & A Session Commences

  • Mr. Burrows disambiguates (once again) the hoopla regarding a so-called moratorium on liquor licenses.
  • The issue of the Brooklyn Night Bazaar is addressed. Once again.
  • Mr. Burrows implores people to call 311 about eating and drinking establishments which pose a public nuisance— and to forward this information to the local Community Board. If the Community Board does not know such an establishment poses an issue to the community, they cannot do anything about. In others words: if you see something, SAY SOMETHING@
  • The issue of truck and— get this— MTA bus traffic on Kent Street is raised. NOTE: Kent Street is not on a bus route. The issue of motorcyclists and installing speed bumps is brought up as well. Hurson says speed bumps cannot be installed on bus routes. The ladies present assure him Kent Street is not on a bus route and he  offers to lend a hand. (Ed. Note: I later advised these ladies to take up the matter with our Community Board’s Transportation Chair, Karen Nieves.)

PART IV: Q & A Session Continues

  • The subject of graffiti is once more raised and D. I. Hurson explains how to get it fixed.
  • Diane Jackson of the Cooper Houses voices concerns about men from the adjacent homeless shelter breaking curfew and sleeping in the halls of said housing. Apparently 60 Kingsland Avenue has the biggest problem.
  • More about the drug-dealing situation on Kent Street.

At this point it seemed like everything was over. But it wasn’t.

PART V: Carlos Menchaca of Councilwoman Christine Quinn’s Office Introduces Himself


After this meeting adjourned I arrived home to find this in my inbox.

Jan (who sent me the above photograph) writes:

Hi Heather –

The attached is what I was greeted with yesterday afternoon when I went to go pick up the car at the parking lot on N.9th St. to do errands.  Since the interior wasn’t wet, I am going to assume this happened really late Saturday or early Sunday.  Oh, and my cover was taken off too, so someone was interested in seeing what was under the wrapping.

This is my 64 Impala that I’ve had through thick and thin since 1983.  Apparently someone thought it would be fun to walk over the car with ladies sized shoes (with a steel heel) and went into my windshield.  We have this problem with someone leaving the gate open and stuff getting stolen once in a while, but I bet that bar across the street has something to do with it.  Thanks kiddies, your little bit of fun walking across my 48 year old car is going to cost me a cool grand to fix the busted windshield, not to mention figuring out how to fix the dents in the roof.

Here’s the deal: as a result of virtually no awareness raised by the powers that be and/or lack effective outreach by our local Community Board I receive a lot of complaints. I gladly field them and post the most relevant ones here. However, it has come to my attention that a great many of these complaints are redundant in nature. Follows is the “top three”:

  • Complaints about “eating and drinking” establishments— usually about noise, disorderly behavior, property damage and litter.
  • Traffic/transportation-related complaints.
  • Parks-related complaints.

What I would like to do so as to address this problem, serve my community; and perhaps preserve some semblance of my own sanity is create some customized version of a page which Jeremiah, of Vanishing New York, has on his site. It is entitled “How To Complain”. Follows is an excerpt.

You can (and should) read the rest here. In order to make this happen here’s what I need from you, dear readers from Brooklyn’s Community Board 1:

What do YOU want to complain about “effectively”? We have a number of very dedicated people on our Community Board. What is lacking is communication— and you! Do I need to hyperlink to Community Board 1’s calendar— including sub-committee meetings? Would monthly reminders about the 94th (and/or 90th) Precinct Community Council meetings be helpful? Contact information for elected officials, perhaps? Please tender your suggestions via comments or email at missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com.

Thank you.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: Welcome To Greenpoint

From India Street.

Miss Heather

Quicklink: Animal New York Gets Poached!

Many of you who have followed this blog over the years have undoubtedly noticed that a number of stories broken by yours truly have a strange way of finding their way onto the pages of Newscorp’s manifold publications within a matter of hours/days/weeks— often as “exclusives”. As you can imagine I find this phenomenon very interesting. What’s more, I can assure you it is not a coincidence. In fact, one of their own reporters even admitted as much! Alex Ginsberg comments (regarding my reporting about Cutting Edge Fitness):

Post policy prevented me from crediting you in print. Allow me to do so now. You did a fantastic reporting job. All I had to do was follow your steps (and make a few extra phone calls).

I won’t discuss at length the policy of not crediting blogs (or anyone else). I’ll just briefly explain that as long as we can independently verify every bit of info, we don’t credit.

You will find that the Daily News observes the same policy, but the Times does not. (They often write an explanatory phrase like, ‘The investigation into Mr. Spitzer was first reported in the New York Post.’ That’s not a real one. I just made it up. Although I would note that another Times policy would prevent them from actually printing the name of your blog, presenting them with an unresolvable conflict between two inflexible rules.)

Looking forward to “amplifying” more of your good work in the future.

So you can imagine my dark amusement when I stumbled upon the above item from Animal New York today. A very angry Bucky Turco writes:

While it’s common knowledge that the New York Post often rips off story ideas from local blogs—just ask editors from Gothamist, EV Grieve, New York Shitty, Vanishing New York, Sheepshead Bites and a handful of others—their latest article on the bombing of the Bowery mural, which was basically lifted from several ANIMAL posts, was particularly egregious…

You can read the whole sad story by clicking here. In closing, I would like to leave you with this quote from Newcorp’s spokesperson, Suzi Halpin:

The New York Post credits blogs, bloggers, and other media all the time, as our readers know.

Except when they don’t. If the Post followed the above policy to the letter their readership would quickly comprehend exactly how much of the content they are reading has its provenance from online/alternative/independent media outlets (READ: blogs). Welcome to the club, Bucky— and by all means keep on writing! Dozens of reporters depend on people like you and me for their livelihood!

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Come Out To Play!

December 28, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Criminal Activity, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

L (who sent the above photograph) writes:

The bus to nowhere…

This bus has been stuck on our block (Engert Ave) since 7 am yesterday morning when I came out this morning the bus was still there but someone has spray painted the entire bus all the way around……now it kinda looks like a scene out of “The Warriors”…

…Can’t wait to see what’s in store for tomorrow, maybe garbage can fires inside the bus with heavily armed post apocalyptic 80’s punks….”Can yooooouuuuu diiiggg It”!!

Miss Heather

Long Island City Photo Du Jour: Pulaski Bridge

January 14, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11101, Long Island City, Queens 

I have always believed successful public art should engage the public. Taking the previous into account— albeit in the most broadest sense— I’d say the mural on the Pulaski Bridge is a smashing success!*

Miss Heather

*In all seriousness: how could the peeps at the DOT and the artist responsible for this opus not know this would invariably invite a priapism? Placing a man behind a woman is second only in my unwritten “Do not do leave to the caprice/rancor of the public” rulebook to why subway posters should never, EVER, feature anything— human, humanoid, mammalian, reptilian or otherwise with his/her/its mouth open.

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: 708 Manhattan Avenue

December 1, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Asshole, Culture War, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


Another one bites the dust. Keep it up, Greenpointers!

Miss Heather

P.S.: I have brought this to the attention of the NYPD.

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