MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Community Board 1 Joint Committee Meeting

As proudly announced during last month’s OSA “minute”*, the matter of Cooper Park’s barbecue pits is one of two enticing items on next week’s agenda!

Community Board 1 Joint Committee Meeting
May 7, 2012 starting at 6:30 p.m.
Community Board 1 Main Office
435 Graham Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

P.S.: While I am vaguely on the subject, I saw a great deal activity (READ: a small army of Parks employees cleaning, “weed whacking”, etc.) this morning at Cooper Park.

Anyone have the 411 on what’s up?

*Which was actually 3 minutes and 36 seconds— but who’s keeping track?

TODAY: Transportation Committee Meeting At Community Board 1

Above is the agenda for this evening’s Transportation Committee meeting of our local Community Board. While perhaps not terribly exciting stuff many who have personally had to negotiate the flooding at the intersection of Union and Driggs Avenue will undoubtedly be pleased to see action is being taken on that front (see the first item on the agenda). In addition, keeping the Crosstown Local extension will be discussed.

Remember folks: you are entitled to not only attend but tender your two cents at these convocations. Thus, those of you who have issues with and/or concerns about the Nassau Avenue construction project should make it a point to show up— and speak up!

Transportation Committee Meeting of CB1
Today, March 28, 2012 starting at 6:30 p.m.
Community Board One Office
435 Graham Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211

P.S.: for those of you who are curious, here is the most recent bulletin outlining the scope of construction which come to pass this week on Nassau Avenue this week.

Live From Community Board 1: A Presentation Regarding Ferry Service

It took me awhile to upload it, but here it is. Footage from this week’s Transportation Committee meeting. A couple of items of interest were discussed:

  • The ferry service set to commence next month.
  • The proposed overhaul of West Street by the Department of Transportation.

For the purposes of this post I will focus on the ferry presentation. Enjoy!

New York Shitty analysis/synopsis:

  • The price for this service has yet to be set. Initially it was planned to be $3.00 “within zone” and $5.00 “outside zone”.
  • This service is subsidized by the city (Department of Economic Development).
  • Concerns about India Street were raised. It was noted this point of departure is not located close to public transportation, the area is rather desolate and security measures (such as additional lighting) need to be put in place.
  • Here’s my two cents: this is undoubtedly someone’s “pet project”. As a Greenpoint resident— and while it might be nice to, say, be able to go to Governor’s Island— I cannot honestly see how this service is going to alleviate our transportation woes in any real, lasting way. What’s more, it is rather expensive. In the case of India  Street in particular it does not seem to be very well thought out. As stated, the location of this stop is not close to public transportation, there really isn’t anything in the way of sites of interest to be found nearby and being rather desolate the concerns about security which were raised are quite salient. In this respect I found the prospect of having an automated machine selling tickets somewhat troublesome; I lay odds this device will be both vandalized and looted on a routine basis. Lastly, I found it rather telling that the stops for this ferry were placed at locations where the city wants to foster economic development. This would certainly explain why it doesn’t go to 14th Street (which I suspect a number of folks hereabouts would find quite useful). Sorry folks, I cannot get terribly excited about this.

Miss Heather

REMINDER: Update On Nassau Avenue Construction Project

April 24, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Although I have already posted this item I feel behooved to remind everyone this upcoming Tuesday, April 27, 2011 starting at 6:30 p.m. there will be a meeting regarding the proposed upgrades on Nassau Avenue and the surrounding environs. Yes, this includes Monitor Street. A presentation by the Department of Design and Construction is promised. Check it out!

Presentatation by the NYC Department of Design & Construction regarding the Nassau Avenue Reconstruction Project
April 26, 2011 starting at 6:30 p.m.
St. Cecilia’s Church Gymnasium
84 Herbert Street (entrance at 24 North Henry Street)
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Miss Heather

MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Update On Nassau Avenue Construction Project

April 11, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Given the rather acrimonious proceedings regarding this project in the past (lack of communication and the prospect of having one’s stoop lopped off tends to facilitate this kind of thing) I feel compelled to pass along that our inimitable Transportation Chair, Karen Nieves, has arranged a Town Hall Meeting with the Department of Design of Construction April 26, 2001 at St. Cecilia’s Church. At this meeting a presentation will be given apprising residents of any progress/changes made to said project (which as some of you recall now includes the city buying back the demapped strip of Monitor Street between Greenpoint Avenue and Nassau Avenue). Yours truly has little doubt this forum will prove to be no less provocative than its predecessor. Mark your calendars, folks!

Presentatation by the NYC Department of Design & Construction regarding the Nassau Avenue Reconstruction Project
April 26, 2011 starting at 6:30 p.m.
St. Cecilia’s Church Gymnasium
84 Herbert Street (entrance at 24 North Henry Street)
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Miss Heather

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