From The New York Shitty Photo Pool, Part II: Crabsex

June 29, 2010 ·
Filed under: Brooklyn, Sunset Park 

This, a detail of a Sunset Park sex shop replete with 24 hour “viewing booths”,  comes courtesy of Carnade. Perhaps I am reading too much into this but I find its use of crab imagery is a wee bit disquieting.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Slide Show Du Jour: May Day Polemic

As some of you are undoubtedly aware today is May first. This day not only kicks off “bicycle month” (which community seems to have inaugurated with yet another bicyclist being struck by a truck) but is May Day. In honor of the latter I will share with you an ad hoc “chat room” my mother and I stumbled upon in the East Village. If there is one thing that can be said about the Bloomblight in our fair city it provides ample room for folks to air their opinions about one thing or another. In this case “reds”— and much, much more. Enjoy!

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Tamatoes For The Masses!

This item comes courtesy of FakeHipster, who writes:

Dear small child,

I found your survey stapled to a billboard at 13th and 3rd. I really liked it and decided that I had to have it. I’m sorry if I threw off your survey results (though we both know the only answer is “yes only! yes only! yes only!”)

It is now hanging in a place of honor on my fridge.

Your friend,



Miss Heather

New York Shitty Street Art Du Jour: Obey

November 29, 2009 ·
Filed under: East Village, Manhattan, New York City, Street Art 


From East 5 Street, East Village.

Miss Heather

East Village Photo Du Jour: V-Day Wrap Up

February 14, 2009 ·
Filed under: Manhattan 


From Third Avenue.

Miss Heather

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